Improvements to Publishing and Selling in Marketplace

Hi Creators,

During RDC this year, we were thrilled to hear from avatar creators directly about ways we can improve publishing and selling on Marketplace. Following your feedback, we are excited to introduce several updates we are prioritizing in the coming months.

Limited Bodies and Heads

Beginning today, on September 25th, creators can publish Limited bodies and heads on Marketplace. Previously, bodies and heads could only be Non-Limited.

More details:

  • The publishing Advance will be 20,000 Robux for bodies and 10,000 Robux for heads.
  • Free Limited bodies and heads are not available at this time, but are planned for early 2025.

Sales Location Update for Non-Limiteds

Starting today, creators can also choose to sell their Non-Limited avatar items inside experiences only. Previously, this functionality was only available for Limiteds.

This means creators can now choose to sell Non-Limited items in the following sales locations: “Marketplace and All Experiences”, “Experiences and Dev API only”, “Marketplace Only”, or “Marketplace and Experiences by ID”. As a reminder, these sale locations can be changed at any time for both non-Limiteds and Limiteds.

Recently Created Is Now Recently Published

Starting in October, we are updating the Recently Created sort to organize new items by their publish date, rather than their creation date. This change will more closely align this sort with user expectations. The title of the sort will change to Recently Published.

Please note this change will not impact public API endpoints, meaning developers do not need to make any code changes to support this change.

Update to Scale Values for Bodies

In the coming weeks, we will roll out changes to how bundle scaling is handled to better preserve creators’ intended designs when creating Bodies. This will only affect newly-uploaded Bodies; existing bodies will be unchanged.

More details:

  • Humanoid scale adjustments will now apply to the body’s outfit:

    • Scales under Humanoid are saved within the body’s outfit in the bundle.
    • Each RigScale option retains its associated scales.
    • If you use the preset scales applied from the selected RigScale option without modifications, your outfit and assets will exactly match the pre-upload appearance.
    • Adjustments to Humanoid scales before uploading will not reflect on individual assets alone, but the full outfit will display as intended.
  • Scales will not be baked into the body part assets; only the selected RigScale will be applied.

    • Body parts will be validated and uploaded without applied scales.
    • OriginalSize and OriginalPosition are applied over Size and Position. Any changes made in those properties will not be persisted in the uploaded assets, but will instead be applied to the body’s outfit.

Thank you to the creators who made these suggestions! Please let us know if you have any questions in the comments below.


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This is a major concern for my workflow. You mention it will not “impact” public API endpoints, but will the items shown in this category now be those that have recently been put on-sale rather than those that have been recently uploaded?

I do see this as a good change for most UGC creators, as now items will be seen if they’re published ages after being created (so creators don’t have to put things on-sale the second they’re approved!), but I have specific workflows that rely on the items this sort provides being those that are recently created rather than those that were recently published.

Other than this, looks pretty good. Well done team and thanks for listening to feedback provided at RDC.


Interesting on how there are limited bodies and heads. It was unexpected but could normal Roblox packages become limited someday?


Do y’all think it’s gonna chaos :sob:


This is not what I had in mind when you say “improving the marketplace”, to be honest I find this quite ridiculous.

With how cluttered the marketplace is, we don’t need extra limited garbage clutter.


From my understanding, this is only for the initial first publish of an asset – please correct if wrong

Is there any insights into the name Recently published versus a more simplistic name such as New / Latest that might better convey the sort’s meaning? [I’m assuming it’s due to a technicality of it being a filter not a dedicated category?]


Genuinely appreciate the “Recently Published” change – makes it so I can plan UGC uploads in advance and then know they’ll be among the recent findings. Thank you for that change.


Finally my years-old-concepts that are in my inventory won’t get totally slaughtered by the fact that they weren’t recently created.

Love these changes.

  • Free Limited bodies and heads are not available at this time, but are planned for early 2025.

So they are bringing back the Free Bundles an Heads but only for Limiteds
They could of allowed the option to sell it for Free as they did on day 1 but nope, they decided to make it a Limited only feature, just like accessories. :uhh:


So, if I’m understanding correctly this will allow Classic and ProportionsSlender bundles to work correctly? Previously they were forced to ProportionsNormal (Default Rthro) on publish.


Does this mean that we will no longer be able to find offsale items in the Marketplace, such as gift cards items uploaded by Roblox?


I’m quite concerned about the removal of “Recently Created”, will be be able to still see recently created off sale items? I would like to be able to watch the off sale items list because people could be uploading my IP/Copy my items for “personal use” and keep them off sale, which is against the ToS of Roblox and would be hard to detect that thing if they don’t show up.


This is exactly what I was trying to get at in the first reply to this post. It’s a concern. The rebuttal from engineers might be “well, if they publish them for public use, you’ll see them then” but this doesn’t stop the creators from never publishing them and just using the violating items on their own account. @misterpebblez Please address these concerns when you can :smile:

P.S. This also applies to other violating items, like those that break the Marketplace Policy, not just IP-infringing ones


Why? Nobody was asking for this.

This will just lead to more public UGC slop and scams, such as “AFK for free headless!” and other crap of sorts.


good update roblox
but there is a big issue is going on the marketplace
so as you see here copyrighted items has being published on the marketplace as you here an iron golem from “Minecraft”

and it is not only that but also these un kids friendly item also has being published on the marketplace

and that is not all many other inappropriate has been published on the marketplace so please roblox update your moderation system because this is not a small issue this is a big trouble for you and you need to fix it.


This… concerns me greatly. What I’m understanding, is if someone creates something that violates the rules, or copies IP, or infringes on copyright, but don’t publish it ever, it won’t appear on the catalog, and will be just hidden unless someone obtains an item link to it. Also, doesn’t this mean someone could just on-sale and off-sale items to keep bringing them back up to the top of Recently Published?

I literally don’t see anyone that asked for this, we’re asking for BETTER MODERATION, not more low quality “updates” that do nothing but make some of our jobs harder to do and allow more people to break the rules.


This is Pretty awesome if I have an item created and Uploaded but can’t afford the Publish fee just yet.

Oh gosh… I can’t see how this will go wrong :roll_eyes:


…and exactly WHY are limited bodies 20000 robux?
there’s NO NEED for them to be so expensive…
and why are there free limited bodies…? we saw what happened when there were free avatars before (complaining seven year olds), can’t imagine what it’d be like now!

anyways, the recently published thing seems nice, not sure what the scale adjustments mean (i’m hoping it doesn’t change/replace the values under the humanoid because i use those for sizing commands). the new sales location change is also pretty nice, hopefully will help people actually make a good cut of money from ugc sales.

although, i do hope that ugc creators get more of a profit from their sales… they are half of the reason roblox is alive and yet they get so much less than game devs… especially when you’re selling limiteds.

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If im being honest the proportions on this avatar are fine and guess what? This is just how a realistic female body looks anyway so its not inappropriate and this is probably not a good example. There’s avatars / avatar items out there though that exaggerate the female body portions so those should be removed instead and the creators banned

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