Improving UI Development

As a UI designer/developer, it can sometimes be a pain creating neat UIs, as for example, centering text.


image The TextLabel, is clearly centered.
image But the text doesn’t actually look like it’s in the middle, it’s close, but not good enough for someone who wants the neatest possible UIs.

Then just as someone else mentioned in another post, things such as Round Square are pretty annoying, since the default is pretty dull and dark (Can’t change colour).


image Simple, neat square.
image Rotated, becomes pixelated and ugly.
This also really hurts image labels, for example, if you wanted an intro or a loading screen with a spinning group or game logo.

I rarely even use frames anymore, if I want a really neat GUI i’m basically forced to use Images :confused:


So the requests here are:

  • Text that is centered vertically is not perfectly centered visually.
  • Rotated UI items become jaggy and I want them anti-aliased.

Could you perhaps split one of these off into its own thread and/or update the title(s) to be more specific to your requests? This would help the people who are looking at these requests a lot.

I also believe anti-aliasing for UI items has been suggested before.

It’s all in 1 category (GUIs) which is why I put it all in one thread.

And yes, those are my requests. And i’m aware of the thread about the GUI Frame Styles, I kind of just expanded it from there.

Could you make two sections in your thread (either using bold text or headers) to make this extra clear? That would be helpful for anyone reading, it’s a bit messy at the moment. Maybe also add the “As a developer …” tag line twice, once for each issue.

To fix the first, just position it up by one pixel.

To fix the second, we do need anti-aliasing on GUI objects, which is what you are asking ;0

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I think text is currently centered based on its line box (the width is the AABB width and the height is the distance between baselines). Any alternative is either going to change depending on what text you have in it (which looks jarring whenever it changes) or be wrong for scripts other than Latin.

I see… and the rotation, is that gonna be fixed any time soon?