Improving user experience by reducing exposure of low quality content

If one place uses React and another place uses React but everything else is different, would this affect the search results as well?


Is there any similar efforts to follow these same goals for the avatar marketplace?


Its already clear that automated detection of bad content does not work from the chat filter alone, constantly filtering genuine messages while completely allowing profane slurs and derogatory language with barely any effort to bypass.

While I do think that this is a good idea in principle, I think it quickly can be abused by bad actors, and also may harm genuine small creators trying to raise the bar of quality in an existing genre.

My biggest concern is that this is just making developers work harder to avoid yet another automated algorithm debuff to SEO their game. Small developers do not need this hassle, and I really hope that this is executed properly, including a way for developers to report false exposure reduction and for a human to intervene.


I understand the intentions, but I think that this can hurt smaller creators if this isn’t lenient enough. I have plenty of friends who have games that are in a similar niche. How will it affect them? There is too much of a grey area with this update.

I am glad that Roblox is trying to tackle games that are of lower-quality like Robux giveaway scams and such, but I don’t think that quality should be the main issue at hand. I’d say moreso games that are of poor-quality in the sense of “freaky” or “sus” games as well as scams. The smaller developer should not be punished for having a game that is similar to another

If this is strictly in terms of extremely low like-to-dislike ratios, then this would make more sense. Uniqueness is a subjective :confused:


I can already see people commenting concerned about what this means for following trends. I think that the good this change brings outweighs that and we should be able to adapt. That said, my impression is that this is more about combating clones and bait-and-switch games. God I miss unique button tycoons the main allure for me was getting to unlock a unique build piece by piece but now it’s all repainted tycoon kits with nothing new to offer (and worse, ones that actually involve any base-building at all are drowned out by merge tower tycoons which I think really need to be called something different bc. how is this still the same genre)…I’m genuinely hoping this leads to all those hidden gems in the tycoon genre finally being exposed

Truth be told, as a player, if I’m already enjoying one game, the only reason I’d click one with a similar icon is by accident, and I’m actually more likely to close it to go back to the one that I prefer, so…I think icon trends are a fair sacrifice. Though again I think this is mostly targeting clones and bait-and-switch, which you’d see using icons a lot more similar than those examples.


Most of this sounds like a good idea in theory, but it would be horrible if we were somehow accidentally triggering lower discovery without knowing (eg having a similar icon to another game, but both games are different). Will there be anything to tell us if our games are getting less exposure from the impacts of this change?

edit: I missed a whole section of the post my bad, but a new question is will it tell us specifically what caused reduced exposure in the event that it happens?


Hope this answers your question!


What about thumbnails for experiences made by the same artist that look similar but are unique for their game. A lot of games have similar thumbnails as that’s what’s popular and gets the best play through rate.


How will this affect experiences with a testing place where they upload their icons and thumbnails first? Or experiences that were moved? Will the “First” be considered the original or the more popular one?


Oh lol my bad I missed that somehow on mobile. Hopefully it’ll be able to tell us exactly why tho, and not just say that it’s happening


That says robux giveaway, good job Roblox

Better photo


Interesting hearing this considering this happened yesterday:

Overall, though, these algo changes seem helpful and much less ambiguous than previous ones :+1:


No longer will I have the thought in the back of the mind thinking “it would be so much easier to just pump out low quality content”. This is a really good change for the platform, and lines up with aging it up as has been talked about in the past. Any plans for similar efforts in the marketplace? The amount of low quality and copyrighted UGC is insane, feels as if there is very little moderation whatsoever.


shouldn’t they be straight up banned off the platform? i really hope this is just bad wording and not an admission that the mods just straight up do nothing


Just finished reading through the metadata best practices and I have to say…

Thank you, thank you so much for cracking down on this specifically. This has been the bane of my existence when I’m just trying to find new games that interest me.


My new game Eternal Frontiers (<150 visits) now shows up on the fifth row of search instead of 27th, thanks Roblox!


A scam game only needs to be up long enough for it to serve its goal. Pushing it down in the algorithm makes it more difficult for it to do so before it’s moderated, which can take time even with an outright ban.


It’d be nice if you could crack down on AI-generated thumbnails too given how they’re usually associated with low quality games, but I understand that it’d be very hard to detect that sort of thing without it leading to some false positives. Either way though, good update, hopefully this is the end for Ro-slop :0


All my thoughts on AI aside, I think this kinda falls under inaccurate thumbnails, right? A lot of AI thumbnails show things that aren’t even in the game. While if someone actually goes to the effort of inpainting like mad to make it accurate, :person_shrugging: at that point they’re clearly making some effort so ig just let them


Something I’d like to suggest is a banner on games that may be scams (eg. FREE ROBUX OBBY) that warns players that games cannot give free Robux, along with faster moderation action on them. I’ve had to warn my siblings many times that no, a game cannot give you Robux and that you should report one if you see one, but our reports barely do anything.