In-Experience Phone Verification Experiment

Is there a way to make an Experience be classified as a Voice Chat experience? Or are all games that have Voice Chat Enabled classified as a Voice Chat experience?


why should players verify their phone number in such an inconvenient place as in-game, instead of in a secure place?

not to mention, what about mobile players? verifying on your phone while playing on it must be one of the most uncomfortable things ever.

also, as some people stated, what about those developers who track inputs when players input their phone numbers? i would rather be putting such personal information in a place where i can deem it safe instead of a place in which a rando might’ve placed a tracker down to mess with me


scam games as they kick you out the second you receive voice chat (theyve been collecting every input you do)


How will this work with UserInputService?

It would be very bad if game owners can detect the keystrokes when a user is entering their number.

I assume you already figured that out, but just making sure.


What about the measures of security? People will just mimic the UI into possibly logging Numbers no? I might be heavily mistaken.


Can’t developers just use UserInputService to listen for input and store private phone numbers? This doesn’t seem too safe.


No, remember the incident where CoreGui was manipulated to make fake purchases or execute unwanted purchases under a blurry screen?

Yes that is possible, new chat ui is stored under coregui and its possible.


This will MAYBE be used for phishing. Roblox probably will put it inside CoreGui, but then exploiters/some kind of engineering will use it to know the user’s phone number. Meh update :man_shrugging:


This read to me as; “You could not previously register a phone number with your roblox account from inside a game. You now can!!! (If you don’t want to use the settings)” not “You must now register your phone number in order to play roblox!!!”

I’m not sure what data you guys are working off as well but this just strikes me as wholly unnecessary.


Do you have any reading comprehension skills?


I still don’t really get what’s the point of this update? Convenience, sure, but this update is opening a whole can of worms with malicious developers potentially exploiting this update to get mobile numbers of Players.


The lack of critical thinking in the replies are obvious and overflowing.

“the Account Identity team will be running an experiment in which users can verify their phone number in a Voice Chat experience instead of having to leave the experience to verify their phone number in settings.”

This statement implies that the Account ID team are the ones who will go through the verification on most likely popular places with VC enabled, as some sort of QA.

It’s not something that you who probably don’t use VA or don’t have a community should be worried about.

The post is also vague, so there might be a lot going on behind the scenes that we are not aware of.

Key note of the entire post: experiment

The whole point of this is to collect useful data to prevent exactly what is being so negatively talked about in the replies.


Exactly this ^^^ huge security flaw


Why are we using phone numbers for voice chat anyways? Having a phone number attached to your account is a huge security concern.


by pushing phone verification, you compromise the security of your users. SMS is not secure, all it takes is a child with malicious intent making a phone call to the carrier to steal the users phone number. you seriously need to rethink this


this seems like a terrible idea, couldn’t a developer easily grab someones phone number?


This is convenience over safety/security.
A malicious developer could easily make a UI very similar to ROBLOX Official UI, ask the user for their phone number in (empty) promise for Voice Chat, but instead send it to a database to do something stupid like sell their number. Even worse, that number could be used for blackmail, threats, and other malicious activity.
While yes, at some point the experience would receive action and get taken down that would most likely be too late, what’s done is done, and what’s really stopping the developer from doing it again?

If you need to enter important details for a service ROBLOX provides, then you should do it on the official ROBLOX website where there’s no risk of such a thing happening.


I mean come on

I just did this in only 17 minutes.

Obviously I’m not gonna use it, I may have the moral compass of a cuckoo clock but I’m not sick in the head.


Oh man, I didn’t even think about that. That’s way worse
 WAY worse.

 should I be concerned?

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I think this is a bad idea. Why can’t you show a pop-up after clicking on the “Play” button?