In Game Avatar Editor v2

Unless it was changed, there are some string values that contain all the IDs, build in and manually added.

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YES, I ended up finding these, thank you.

If anyone wants to remove all the default catalog items, delete all the string values attached to the script “CatalogData”

i did that already but i still cant find the custom accessory. have u tried doing it? and were u able to find ur custom accessory? pls help thanks

You saying that it won’t show up in the editor?

yessssssss (sorry lots of s, it doesnt allow me to reply without 30 letter)

I’ll try it myself tomorrow, don’t have time right now. It’s possible that it’s just something you’re doing.

Yeah, it’s either you, the game, or the version of the editor. It works perfectly fine for me. Are you sure you just aren’t not seeing the accessory? And the accessory is properly (for the lack of a better word) set up? Are you selecting the right type of accessory in the adder of the plugin?

i did try uploading, it says it was successfully added, no error but i cant find it on the editor. can u pls show me a video how u do the whole process? ill pay robux pls. sorry for the bother

maybe the accessory was set up wrong
(hair is what im trying to upload)

Well then…It appears that only hats work (didn’t test anything other than hats and hairs.) Only hats get shown in the editor, either it’s a problem of the plugin or of the editor.

Hi there! Thanks so much for putting this out for the ROBLOX community, very nice GUI system!

I have one question though. What’s the best way to go about disabling saved outfits? My fellow programmers and I are somewhat struggling to figure out how to disable the outfit saving altogether as people have been complaining that it auto-saves their previous avatar in our game, and they constantly have to press the reset function.

When you click the reset button, it would have saved your default outfit.

Are you using the default scripts that come with the avatar editor?

Hey! Sorry to be annoying, I inserted the model and it seems that the GUI is just staying on my screen? It just says “loading” and I cannot close it. How do I fix this?

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You have to enable the LocalScript and Script.

ohh! Sorry, which ones are they?


Are there any errors in the output?

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ah! It’s working now, thank you!

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is there a way to empty the database? On the old version i could just delete the tags

Awesome Resource

Any update on this bug/problem?

In AvatarEditor.Shared.CatalogData, just delete all the StringValues except Catalog00001. For that StringValue, delete the value there and replace it with [].

Because of the way the catalog loads the items, I think it is a bit difficult to fix this.

Probably not going to end up trying to fix this.