In-game Chat: /me

Exactly. If it had a thinking chat bubble, then maybe it’d be better.

I know some bots abuse temporary e-mail to get verified.

Pretty scary if you think about it.

the worst part about the bot scam epedemia is that they completely take over the account and start sending those messages through the scammed accounts.
the best way to filter out all the bot messages is to take it from its source. im pretty sure the link has passed through here a couple times since i got notified by them.

all messages go through the chat Validator. adding a restriction to certain word combinations to be used you’ll narrow down the possibilities for bots to send scam messages in what ever kind of chat; pm, /me, general, etc. ofc this also narrows down the word combination usage for players but the chance normal players would use certain word combination occasionally is really small.

That’s kinda scary to think about honestly. It is almost impossible to deal with these bots now. Because people will always find a way to get around. It is really annoying and gives a lot of crap many staff members have to deal with. I really hope the staff can find some way to taking care of this and possibly giving a harsh punishment to the person managing these bots.

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If everyone was aware of scammers, then the people who create bots to scam will lose interest.

I think that all new Roblox users under the age of 13 should be required to go through a safety tutorial explaining why you can’t generate free robux, how to report spam, and how to be aware of scammers.

Obviously scammers are targeting a younger audience, which is why this would be a good idea in my opinion.


To be honest, nothing in this world is free. There is always a limit to everything, regardless of what it is. Of course they are targeted, mainly the younger audience because no matter how much even YouTubers try to tell people a scam is a scam, they won’t learn. What we can do is just that, beyond that, we can’t help them. A simple tutorial like that is perfect enough, if they can’t follow up a simple tutorial, let them get scammed. As easy as that.


I can safely say that the playerbase are smarter than to give their password, these websites are now trying to get these “scammed” users to just complete surveys, thereby generating money for the site operator.

Roblox already has “safety tips” but they don’t seem to work well. Club Penguin would award a virtual item for people who passed a safety quiz, but I doubt it was very effective.

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I’m also curious about this. I used it all the time for role-playing and to have fun with friends by saying stuff like “yellp1 is robbing the bank” or something like that. The only times I’ve seen it misused are when people go “yellp1 just earned 100,000 robux by going to” or something like that.


Most of the playerbase yes. There’s still a ton of people that lost their account due to it. Those “free red valk” code scams take over the whole account as I’ve seen. Actual players even with BC/that have been on roblox for a couple years send those messages, leave, rejoin and so on. It’s still a risk for both the players and us developers should, while there’s no
permanent sollution, create stuff to even prevent these messages to infiltrate the minds of young players. That’s exactly what my aim is. To create a safe playable environment for players without them possibly getting their account taken away with a scam like that

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There’s sites out there giving free few minutes temporary mails. You get & activate the mail immediately just by entering the website & can check the mails trough the website with just 1 click on a html button, the bots will be able to get verified very quickly. I don’t think this is a helpful solution. Most bot accounts I see are at days, weeks or even months old & they can be reused too. This is also not a helpful solution to only let people use chat who are a week old.

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I really hope the engineering team can actually start taking care of these bots. I really feel it is fair the person or really the people who contribute to this should be punished severely and even blacklisted from the website. They share no place on ROBLOX, not even in this world, so if anything, they shouldn’t even be living unless they do productivity with their life.

Sorry if this sounded very aggressive and horribly mean but I don’t feel this world needs anyone living like them and we’d be better of without them.


Modern problems require modern solutions.

The only kind of game I’ve seen that requires this feature is roleplaying games, and that’s already a stretch as some use custom chat systems with their own special features.

Thank you for the heads up, though!


I think the issue is that there’s no captcha. Many sites require them, and they’re not hard for a human to complete. They should really add one for this bot epidemic to stop completely. I don’t know why Roblox hasn’t done this already, but it needs to happen.

(Captcha may be implemented, but as of writing this now there’s no captcha to be seen)


Well, this is a good choice.

When I play games, these bots join and then after sending the /me message they leave. It is good now that this option is turned off by default, and you can turn it on if you want. Also, there are some roleplay games but, to be honest, people don’t use /me to role play so much. This is my opinion.

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That’s pretty useful. I remember people scamming with /me. Nice work!

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I agree that they shouldn’t be doing what they are doing & it shouldn’t be happening on Roblox. I’m not only worried about people being scammed but also about the amount of usernames the bots take. It gives less usernames for actual players to have & players making an account or changing username will have to rethink a username because a mass production of bots have taken it and similar usernames.

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The problem with this coincides with convenience. Captchas may be considered inconvenient and “challenging” for younger audiences.

While Roblox does want to protect the younger playerbase, convenience and ease-of-access also have to be considered.

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That is true, I can’t deny that. However, in case a large majority of usernames are taken enough, I am sure the staff team will come up with something before hand to solve just that problem. A user ID can identify a specific user. On Discord, you are able to use multiple of the same names but have a certain tag. Something like this is probably necessary when it comes to bots taken a mass number of usernames. Another approach is just go let users have the same username without a tag, HOWEVER, provide them a badge on their profile username. For example, a star for member of the ROBLOX Video Stars group, a ROBLOX logo for roblox staff and maybe a wrench logo or something for devforum members. These can distinguish the official users people are looking for. But anyhow, no need to worry, I am sure ROBLOX will find some way of dealing with this. :slight_smile:


/me was sometimes glitched, people could swear by this or say anything innapropriate. For example /me kacper532 just got thousands of robux - mamy bots were joining games and advertising scam sites. Please note, don’t even mind visiting such websites, as it will download your data from computer even without your permission.

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I hate that the scam bots got this feature disabled by default . I guess I am in the minority that enjoyed using /me to roleplay and it sucks for me that in most games I have to use * * instead of /me