In-Game Emotes Menu

This has been addressed in above posts. At this point comparing it to Fortnite is spammy, repetitive and unnecessary.


In addition to people thinking Fortnite emotes being added. God no, that will never happen. It is kinda trash to even assume at this point. I mean, fine, they can say there are some similarities, but thinking Fortnite emotes are being added is definitely not going to happen and only sounds like an obnoxious joke.


I’m not willing to say that hard work is trash nor would that be productive or ethical in any sense.

However, this looks alarmingly inspired by Fortnite. The general idea can be implemented with a few lines of code and an animation background. Nevertheless, seen as it’s a lost cause to deter implementation of this(I will promptly disable… I have my own custom implementation), consider making this fit the Roblox theme.

Commands take time to type and I can see why you’d be against it. That’s fair. Consider a more basic approach. Perhaps, as an alternative to design, you could allow developers to create their own emotes w/o the option of being paid. Expression of oneself should be one of the stepping stones to building a game. If you discount that, you’re discounting imagination.


I was just joking… Roblox will never wants to copy Fortnite Dances, it will be not original… This is just a new way to communicate with others like the old : /wave ect… And I think that’s cool.

This is a great way to make emotes more intuitive and easier for younger kids to know how to use them, it took me a while to even learn about emotes and I still don’t know all of them today.


Emotes is now officially released!

Thanks for all your feedback in the last number of weeks since we announced this feature.

We will be keeping an eye on this thread and the rest of the developer forum for further feedback or bug reports.


Is the emotes icon supposed to still appear in the top bar when emotes are disabled? I noticed in Bloxburg that emotes are disabled in-game, but the emotes icon still appears in the top bar.

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Can you provide a bit more information or a screenshot of what this looks like? I just had a look in Bloxburg and Emotes appears to be working as intended.

If Emotes are disabled with the APIs then the Emotes icon will not show and the UI will be disabled, if Emotes are disabled by a developer in another way like overwriting your Emotes using the HumanoidDescription API then the icon may show but you won’t be able to use your Emotes.

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Is this intended for the icon to display even when it says “Emotes are disabled in this game.”? It doesn’t seem like the icon should be displaying if it will say it is disabled when you open the emotes.


I love the newest emotes! This is certainly a fun update!


Any chance we’ll see a topbar icon that actually matches the style? I see that there’s a drop shadow now (which is in the right direction) but it just genuinely seems like there’s no interest in any sort of consistency here.


Here’s why it’s inconsistent:

  • Sizing – The dimensions of the icon don’t seem to match up with the existing ones. The emote icon is significantly taller and thiner than the others. Here’s a comparison:


  • Border – The other icons are outlines, but the emote one is filled in. This leaves a pretty big difference in the appearance (& is probably the single biggest issue here). Here’s the resulting difference:


  • Shape – All of the other icons are have geometric shapes and angles. The emote icon, though, is wavy. Here’s what the shapes look like for comparison, outlined in red:


It probably would not be that difficult to fix up an icon for this. This will be seen likely in a majority of games on the site, so its appearance shouldn’t be blown off as an afterthought.

Just for fun & to illustrate the differences here, I remade a couple of the other icons in the same style as the new one. And please, please don’t do this:



StarterPlayer.UserEmotesEnabled = false still shows the Emote Icon on the Top Bar

You shouldn’t need to do

StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.EmotesMenu, false)


Wouldn’t it be nicer to Enable Emotes for ONLY newly created games rather than forcing it on all games?

This is another example of new features being forced down our throats and breaking our games without any warnings.

At least give us a heads up next time. :woozy_face:


Hi everyone :slight_smile:
I just noticed the emote menu icon in-game!

However, I think it’d be great to have a default shortcut instead of having to press the menu icon at the left-top of the screen.
I’ve read the post and it was said it’s appointed to B but pressing that button doesn’t show up the menu for me.
I was wondering if it could be the ~ button by default instead? It’s easy to reach when using WASD for walking and doesn’t have any binds at the moment if I’m correct.
Obviously it should remain changable but for games who don’t have it readied up yet, it might be good to have a default keybind.

I think it’s a neat feature and I’m excited what it’ll bring in the future! :slight_smile:


That button is already assign to the Backpack

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Whoops… Guess I overlooked that one :sweat_smile:
Backpack would make more sense around the E … Either way, a button closer to the movement would be nice for emotes.

Edit: Or the Emote shortcut could be bound to E since emotes begins with that letter and leave the backpack as is. Would make more sense. :smiley:

Lets just hope they don’t remove /e commands.

I think this is a pretty cool feature though and don’t see anything wrong with it yet.

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We will revisit the text being shown here or not show the Emotes menu. Thanks for bringing it up.

This is intentional as it allows developers to use the Emotes feature but disable loading a users Emotes from the website.

We made a mistake in not giving developers notice initially when trying to release this feature but since then we have given a month of notice where the APIs to disable the feature have been available. Emotes could have been disabled during this time if you anticipated that it may cause issues in your game.

We needed to remove the default keybind as this was disruptive to existing games.


Thanks for the update! :smiley:

That means that developers should be responsible for the shortcut, right? Since otherwise it may disturb gameplay because of multiple actions bound to 1 key.

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This is interesting, going to have to play around with it and see what things are possible.

I hope there will be new emotes soon!