In-Game Emotes Menu

They did mention a while back that R6 was eventually going to be “phased off” at some point when R15 was created. I believe it was @InceptionTime that brought this up correct me if I’m wrong.

Did they re-enable it? (I’m not in the beta program)



Can conform it is officaly enabled


I am actually a developer who uses in game emotes as one of their main sources of revenue. I really feel this will take revenue away from me but I like the idea of new animations. Just wanted to give a little take. But still very disappointed at future loss of revenue.

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I’m not a fan of this update at all. Alongside harming developers and a blatant attempt at being like other games (harming Roblox’s identity), this is overall pointless because 2/3 currently available emotes don’t work with regular avatars (I’ve seen nobody use Rthro). Overall it seems like another attempt at pushing rthro, when in reality no one really uses the packages/ scaling.


We found a small issue with Emotes which we will be working on fixing as soon as possible. Emotes will be re-enabled in around two weeks.


The emotes work with normal R15 avatars, it depends on what package you’re using. I love this update, as it adds more customization. It will not harm Roblox’s identity, emotes are a main staple in quite a lot of games actually. Also, take into consideration that Roblox already has built in emotes. Just try to view both sides of the argument.


I’m not really sure they would really remove R6, given it’s practically the gist of the platform, they (someone from the staff) even said that it’s part of the platform’s identity so, yeah, they just cannot remove it like that (if they do, well, I can already smell the community outcry, I’ve seen it all).

That aside, I’m rather torn (50% disagreeing and 50% agreeing with the update) on the emotes update, in a way I feel like it’s opening another door to customization, but on the other, I don’t really feel like it would be fitting in certain games… There are always special cases, so I’m not too surprised if people will start disabling this in their games.


I really hope they won’t remove r6, I personally like it better. Some games r15 fits others it doesn’t, and your right r6 is basically a part of Roblox, it always been.

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6 posts were merged into an existing topic: Off-topic and bump posts

Please do not use this topic for discussion on R6 vs R15 (=Rthro). Stick to discussion related to emotes.

I’ll most likely be disabling this feature in all of my projects considering I dislike R15, but I’m glad the emote panel was added. The ‘/e’ system is very confusing for new players.


as long as there is at least some r6 emotes (which there most likely wont be) I wont have any concern with it! otherwise if there is no r6 emotes, I will still be fine with it but disappointed or concerned


If I recall correctly, I believe there are a few default emotes for R6 such as wave, dance, point, cheer, etc. Is that what you are asking about? Because there are a few emotes usable for R6 but no catalog emotes for it. Not sure if they ever will sell any.


Not sure if this has already been suggested or not, but it would be nice if this was only auto-enabled for games that allow R15 characters. Unless they make emotes for R6 characters, this is completely useless for those games that only allow R6 characters.


That’s a nice suggestion, I feel as if they will run into some difficulties on that suggestion though.

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i know about the default emotes, i was talking about catalog emotes

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Is there a way to disable the “You cant use emotes here” message? I use /e for my own commands and emotes, and its inconvenient having to see the bright red message everytime I try to use a dance I added in myself.

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Not sure why everyone is talking about the removal of R6, but this isn’t something that is happening. Last RDC, David Baszucki specifically talked about how they will continue to maintain classic R6 while pushing forth R15 and Rthro scaling.

Essentially, they cannot remove R6 because it will break many old games and even some front page games. However, newer features don’t have R6 support since most players and games use only R15 now. It would simply be a waste of time to add in R6 support for every new feature.


Look into the chat modules or animate scripts.


Will you be able to blacklist some emotes wich doesn’t particularly fit to your games style?

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