In-Need of finding my skill

6QL4 here.
So, I really didn’t know where to put this post, but I am assuming it’s here.

I feel depression these days, because there are people who can script, build, do GFX, UI, etc, and here I am can’t even do one of those. I tried scripting, I couldn’t get the hang of it, I tried GFX, people didn’t like it, I tried UI, not my style, I just don’t know what to do. I really want to be a programmer, but I don’t know where to start, and I just keep repeating of making a “kill brick.” I really want to program and get myself out there. I want to do commissions, and more. Please, if you do any skill, and your willing to help me learn a certain topic, perhaps scripting, please reach out to me on discord. Thanks.



I recommend watching a bunch of tutorials on youtube to help you learn how to script. Eventually with practice you will get better at coding. Don’t doubt yourself, just find what you love and keep trying. You don’t have to start doing commissions right away. Takes some time to practice before you start selling stuff.


Exactly what I thought at the start.

I started developing only last year, when I was 13, and now, at 14, I have done a lot. Basically learned all of scripting, and pretty experienced at UI, GFX, and all that. You’re probably on the stage on either quitting, or persevering. Chose the persevering path, one you get past it, everything else will flow nicely.

I would recommend you to script first, because it is the most useful and needed aspect of making games.


Thank you so much, this encourages me, alot, thanks.


Becoming skilled in a specific area, like scripting and building and such, is not an overnight process. A great way of becoming better is just doing it, and learn as you go. The more you develop games, the more you learn, and the easier you learn.


I really don’t know where to start, I am dumbfounded everyday, and I know what loops, funtions are, I need to know how I can use those to make something. Please help if you can, discord.

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One of a nice ways to learn to become better at programming stuff is to try making a game. For beginners, one of the simple games to make are loop/round based minigames games. Since you know some knowledge of creating a game, I’m sure you will learn a lot from this coding experience. You can learn a lot from creating a game, like how I did when I created a minigame game when I first started. Of course this game will not be perfect, it might look like trash, but no one is perfect on their first try.

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I would recommend either you find some interesting YouTube videos, that teach something you are interested in, or look through the beginner’s development tutorials on the Roblox Developer Hub.

Starting out with anything is hard, but always remember that it will “click” for you eventually. I can really completely relate to the position you are in, for I felt like I didn’t know how to start moving forward when I first learned to code. Just keep learning little chunks, and then try to gradually incorporate what you learn into your creations.

Once you have gained a little bit of knowledge, don’t hesitate to try and make something with it. Even if that thing is small. Truly, the best way to learn is by practicing through making things you enjoy. Always keep in mind that the more you practice, the better you are getting, even if progress seems slow.

Thirdly, make sure to specify on a certain topic, and stick with it. It’s very hard to learn by flip-flopping between completely different things all the time. Make sure to pick a certain area to focus in on, and practice that until you have it mastered. It’s much more annoying to learn something, and then forget it, than to never learn it at all.

Good luck on your development journey!

Your fellow Robloxian, ExcessEnergy

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Wow, this is very meaningful. Thank you so much, your about to make me cry, thank you so much for the feedback!

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Thank you so much! I will take this into consideration!

I’ve been there too, finding things that I could enjoy doing and maybe making a living out of it. I’ve tried programming, building, 3d modelling, UI designing, traditional drawing, sculpting, animating, biology, anatomy, physics, and math (which is where I’m at now). I don’t know if I’ll ever come to a stop and maybe I’ll never be, and I don’t exactly hate it because I enjoy the process of learning it.

If you have tried other fields and chose programming as your main priority, then suffer for it. If you don’t know where to start, then watch some guides or tutorials, but if it’s too hard or too boring, here’s what I did:

  • Start a small project with a clear goal, it could be something from your favorite or something that inspires you, it could even be a simple fireball script.
  • Write the steps that will help you reach your goal, for example if you want to make a fireball:
    -Player presses E
    -Fireball spawns
    -Fireball moves in front of the player
    -Fireball damages any players that hits it
    -Fireball vanish into the void after x seconds
    Then ask yourself, how will it move? what do I use to spawn it? how do I fire it using the player input? etc.
    Type all of this in a notepad or somewhere.
  • Find sources that are related to your questions, just type your question in google and find what might help you, the most common and reliable sources are the official roblox wikia page, this devforum, and the scripting helpers website.
  • But beware, there might be many more options to your question, if you don’t know what might be more efficient, that’s where discord servers come in. Servers I recommend is the scripting helpers discord and the hidden developers discord, just don’t annoy them or ask in the middle of someone helping another person.

Wow! Thank you so much, now I see I’m not the only one who went through this! Thank you!

Just start somewhere! Watch things about that subject then I’m sure it will guild you to more other things!!

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