Inappropriate Machine Translation

Page URL: Fairytale 🏰💜 Life Roleplay 👪 - Roblox
Impact: Very High
Frequency: Sometimes
Date First Experienced: 2021-05-08 00:05:00 (+03:00)
Date Last Experienced: 2021-05-08 00:05:00 (+03:00)

Reproduction Steps:
The bug was caused by forced machine translations, set your language to Russian and visit the game’s page

Expected Behavior:
The translation should be “Fairytale Life Roleplay”

Actual Behavior:
“Fairytale Life Roleplay” got translated as “Fairytale Life Striptease”, I can confirm the issue as a native speaker

P.S As I file this bug, the game has 600 players




This raises concerns about moderation on games that have been automatically translated into languages the developer does not speak and cannot audit, and cannot hope to audit for volume of localized content. Does Roblox have a system in place to prevent users from being moderated for machine translations?


As a native Russian speaker, I can confirm this pretty much translates to “striptease life” - which is not kid-friendly content!



You’ve got to be kidding me. I cannot believe Roblox can get away with this and then other games get taken down for much more trivial things.

irrelevant, because this is a “Machine” Translation,
means that the game owner has no connection with the language titles at all,

unless he manually titled it in Russian, but this is not the case.
the minimum to be banned is to manually set a text or a asset, which is the English title only.


Automatic Translation wouldn’t be enabled for game name unless the game name is manually edited. Did this happen after you edit the title?

As a quick fix, I would suggest you adding an entry for game name translation on Manage Translation page as described on the this page . This will overwrite Automatic Translation.


That’s not my game, aren’t machine translations enabled for game names though?


We’ve overwritten the translation with a manual one. Should be fixed now.


It will only be enabled when the three preconditions are met.

  1. The “Game & Place Information” setting highlighted below must be enabled for the target language.
  2. There is no translation history for the universe name/description for the target language. No matter if the translation is auto-generated or user-generated.
  3. The user must manually modify the name and description of the game to trigger the auto-translation.

I’m fully aware of that. My point here is that it’s stupid that Roblox can even translate to a word like that to begin with.

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