Include Inactive Places in #Place Visits

I have no clue why this was changed – it used to be to where all places’ visits were counted in the profile’s #PlaceVisits, but now it only counts active places. This is a pretty inaccurate representation of how many place visits someone has, because I have about double what actually displays on my profile.

Include inactive places :slight_smile:

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It was turned off due to something to do with the release of universes.

I believe we were told we would have place visits restored to normality, but it never happened.

Admins fix plz

Yeah… I would love to have this back.

I don’t remember posting on this thread.
But okay.

[quote] I don’t remember posting on this thread.
But okay. [/quote]

GG no re

[quote] I don’t remember posting on this thread.
But okay. [/quote]

GG no re[/quote]

MSG me on roblox, in a bit of a predicament at the moment.

Any status on this? :frowning:

Don’t think it will happen.

Roblox turned it off because with universes, you can have almost unlimited places, and counting all the place visits up takes an excessive amount of time. There was a guy who had so many places in his universe that his profile never loaded.

Can we just have the main universe places count? I hate going to a user’s profile with their places turned off (oh, he must be an alt.), (looks at places – has 10k visits)

[quote] Don’t think it will happen.

Roblox turned it off because with universes, you can have almost unlimited places, and counting all the place visits up takes an excessive amount of time. There was a guy who had so many places in his universe that his profile never loaded. [/quote]

That sucks. I have a Christmas game that has 800,000+ visits, and I only have it active around the holiday season. :frowning:

btw, people have to go through the start place to get to the sub places. I don’t see why you were counting the visits of all of the sub places when the visits had already been counted on the main place e.e

Why not count the visits of each game?

Enters RPG
visits the swamp, volcano, plains, etc – all in separate places
RPG gets 10x place visits.

Enters RPG
visits the swamp, volcano, plains, etc – all in separate places
RPG gets 10x place visits.[/quote]

I said game, not place…

Enters RPG
visits the swamp, volcano, plains, etc – all in separate places
RPG gets 10x place visits.[/quote]

I said game, not place…[/quote]

Sorry :frowning:

ROBLOX terminology is bad :frowning:

Incoming controversial opinion: Why do we even have a collective place visit counter anyway?

What do place visits actually mean? They don’t represent how good your games are. The only kind of skill they could possibly represent is how good you are at getting players to visit your game. Sure many visits usually represents quality, but there are many examples of players who get loads of visits off bad games.

I think place visits should be scrapped and replaced by some other metric that isn’t as vague. Maybe something like total thumbs up or account-wide thumbs up/down ratio. Keep in mind both of these solutions could cover inactive games as well.

That’s still a useful metric to have.

Another useful metric to have is Profile Views (aside from bots. Same can be said for thumbs-up bots, knockout bots, and forum post count padding, all of which are still a thing.)

People like Sheeppie / Shylocke don’t have very many place visits. But they have millions of profile views because they sell clothes. Same deal with group leaders.

I’d like profile views added back in. Shylocke looks so… naked without them.

I would REALLY like this back, because in my opinion(again mine) This is really stupid, although if it’s causing problems with page loading, perhaps try making it similiar to robux for Public view, but on your view, you see the full number.
Place Visits: 1M+
Place Visits: 1,555,222
