InCommand - versatile, adaptable command execution

not that I know of,

My Laptop Specs

Alienware 17 R5

OS: Windows 10 Pro


  • NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080
  • Intel(R) UHD Graphics 630

I also uninstall and reinstalled the plugin but it didn’t help, I Restart and Shutdown my PC many times to fix the issue, but only after I deactivated your Plugin it stopped freezing

is it open source? 30 …

Kinda. You may read the code and tinker with it, but you may not redistribute, publish, or use the code.

Basically, you can learn from it but you can’t use my code. Do not steal the IDE, the syntax highlighter, or any other parts of this plugin.


Bought the plugin a week ago, and I must say that this a great plugin to use to execute commands while working with my workflow and how I develop easily on studio.

It becomes easier to code some stuff onto the InCommand tab before I either test it out into my game or put in into a script, local script, or a module, very useful. :eyes:



That happens to me too, but i thought it was just the studio
Here is my specs:


A very elegant plugin which makes script execution a walk in the park, thanks for this!


Sorry for such a late response, would you consider adding an option for this? Arrow key navigation is extremely important to me when programming.

Like I said, plugin input is broken when focused in a TextBox. I’ve brought it up with engineers on the relevant teams at Roblox. When that is fixed, I’ll add more input control to the plugin.


Yea but I suggested making an option to constantly poll :IsKeyDown() for UpArrow and DownArrow

Yea, but optionally and by default disabled would make sense.

We already tried that in addition to many other methods of getting user input. It didn’t work for us unfortunately since plugin can’t poll keyboard input from a widget.


Yea, I’m also experiencing this. A significant lag spike when playtesting in studio. I noticed this right after using it. My PC specs are the same as @IlyasTawawe. Last time the lag spike lasted almost 10 seconds. Could you please look into this @boatbomber. Thanks!

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This would be very hard to fix without changing how plugin updates work at a fundamental level. Please allow some time for us to look into alternate solutions :slightly_smiling_face:


I recently bought the plugin and am enjoying it. However, my screen size is quite small and thus my Studio workspace is quite tight. I haven’t found a use for the “Saved Scripts” (yet), and, even if I did, I’d prefer to be able to hide it until I need to load up a saved script. It seems like on my client I’m not able to have the editor open without the saved scripts as well, which doesn’t seem very user-friendly. It’s like forcing people to have the toolbox open – you should be able to open it when you need it then close it once you’re done. I understand that the “Run” button is on the Saved scripts window, but perhaps if only the Editor is open then it could create a green run button underneath the two other buttons that are there anyway.


This plugin has really helped me learn scripting, even better than I was before. Totally worth it!


Noted! Thanks for your feedback; I’ll look into this in a future update :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi, it’s been a while since I wrote anything here (I mean, on this topic here). A few minutes ago I found a bug that can be dangerous.

I just tried to overwrite a script when I was copy-pasting (With InCommand, if you need to update a script, you have to click Save every time and then write the name of the script. And since I got lazy at one moment, I just copied the script name by pressing Alt+C and used Alt+P each time to use the name. YES, you have your right to be lazy ^^). But in a moment I copied something else (using Alt+C, it was a very big part of an in-game server script) and prepared myself to save the script. When I noticed that the name was too long, I tried to delete it (with the normal delete key). But then something happened. I don’t know if I accidentally pressed the Enter key at the same moment (which is very likely) or something else, but all my saved scripts were deleted. Imagine you saved 20 scripts to it (I HAD SAVED LESS SCRIPTS, IT IS ONLY ONE EXAMPLE) and by this bug you lose everything (in my case it wasn’t that bad either, but with another person it could have been worse). I have explained how it happened to me. I know you wanted to stop making plugins, but if you want to update this one, could you solve this problem? Thanks for reading (sorry I wrote a novel, so it’s so long) and I hope it’s solvable. I love this plugin and it would be a sad thing if such a bug would continue. (P.S.: I used a translator for this long text, because I’m not the best in English. If you do not understand something, you can PM me)

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Thanks for letting us know! @Elttob and I will look into it.


I feel kind of guilty for not giving you and Elttob any more details that might help you, but yeah, I tried again and it came out:

Practically, if you go to Save and you want to save something (even an empty script), then all other saved scripts delete themselves and you get this error:

„Unable to parse settings file for plugin“

I hope this can help you.


I don’t want to be mean or anything, I do love the plugin but why does the voice-over sound like a flight safety video- It’s amazing and all that you’ve done this for us but I’d just like to point out that weird thing