Inconsistency of filtering

We all know how terrible the filter system is.
We all know a 12 yr old could fart better filters than this.

What concerns me is the inconsistency of the filtering…
I added a video thumbnail and my title got filterd?

When I add descriptions it sometimes gets filtered, sometimes not. And if I change a small thing it could lead to the whole text being nothing but incoherent hashtags. Altho it was perfectly fine first time I wrote it, it’s apparently highly offensive the second time I wrote it.

The filter is neither good nor consistent. When is the breaking point at which you’ll just trash the whole system and get some help?

Filtering is a widely researched topic, there are people qualified to the the job.


What I despise the most is the fact that roblox is using a neural network-based bot from a third party system. Instead of having to manually enter a list of words that should be filtered, roblox instead has to manually enter a list of words or phrases that should not be filtered—something that, as is obviously apparent, is not nearly efficient enough. This inconsistency bugs me almost as much as the fact that we are not allowed to script any methods of bypassing the filter, even if it is for whitelisting a few words.

One of the most common complaints from the players in the roleplaying game that I am working on is the fact that most of their roleplay names are filtered, even if they are entirely innocent names.

I wish I could somehow add an exception list of common names that can bypass the filter, but if so much as one piece of user input that isn’t filtered for broadcast makes it into a data store, your game will automatically be put under review.

Who ever thought that this filter was a good idea? The old filter system worked just fine. The “magical text filter that is intelligent” probably sounded like a good idea at the time, but it has made many aspects of roblox unbearable. Why has Roblox decided to take this path for their company? Nobody stands to gain from this new system in my opinion.

If it aint broke, don’t implement a new “smart” robot to fix it.


Is that for real?

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I’m not sure how they’d figure it out, unless they’re spying on data being accessed via DataStores and then filtering them to check (but that would be bad because of inconsistencies as OP mentioned).

But it certainly was mentioned that data in DataStores needs to be filtered if it’s coming from user input.

I think the reason we’re seeing so many problems with the filter is because it’s not entirely designed to keep out the inappropriate messages anymore. We’ve all seen the news about Roblox and I’m fairly certain that these changes are in response to those articles- they are trying to prevent an exchange of personal information.

Because of this we are seeing inconsistent filtering, because it’s not just words that they are blocking anymore- they have to try to “understand” what we are saying and try to make sure that it’s near impossible to send/request personal information anymore.

If we were just trying to filter inappropriate content, we wouldn’t be having problems at all.I think this is a new technology that they are working on and I expect that our complaining isn’t going to fix it. Quite honestly, they are working on it as much as they can, and they care more about the news coverage on the subject than they do our minor irritation.

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I think this is understandable explanation as to why they added the filter, but the filter as a terrible solution this problem. Whatever they’re trying to do to make Roblox a safer site for kids, they’re doing it wrong.

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I think the filter is a good solution and poor implementation. I think they were incredibly rushed to push this release and had very little time to test and perfect it as they normally do.

Not hating on anyone here, but there’s a lot of things that get released that are “imperfect” and seem untested to an acceptable level.

But, maybe these are all the things that needed to be rushed, so I can understand in that regard.

Roblox needs to remove the filter.


I have this problem too. Your whole post is well written, thank you