Inconsistent Materials and Brightness Across Studio Places and Live Game

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Since February 12, 2024, our game DE has experienced a significant and unexpected change in lighting behavior. The overall lighting in the game environment has become much brighter than usual. This issue has not only affected our game but has also been reported by several other developers, indicating a wider impact.

Specific Changes Observed:

  1. Ambient Lighting: The intensity of ambient lighting has increased, making the game environment appear much brighter.
  2. Specular Highlights: Specular highlights on surfaces have become dimmer, contrasting with the overall increase in brightness.
  3. Shadows: The shadows in the game have not changed and remain consistent with their appearance before the issue began.

When comparing the Live game studio and Dev place studio, the same issue occurs, the studio places differ in lighting without any property changes. Publishing Dev to Live keeps the same lighting differences, with no proprty differences between the two places.

Materials appear to have lost specular highlights and their quality, resulting in the impact on lighting settings across the Live game and studio, attached some photos below:

Material differences, asphalt:

Material differences, concrete:

Live studio place asphalt material block

Dev studio place, same asphalt material block

Live studio place asphalt material block #2

Dev studio place asphalt material block #2 (yes, they’re the same color)

@Nightcaller @gettzinho @PlanetCaravn

Expected behavior

Live and Dev place studios should match. :smiley:

A private message is associated with this bug report


Hello, we have reverted the flag that’s causing this. Let us know if you are still experiencing issues. Thanks.


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