Increase Particle Emitters View Distance

Current particle emitters check if the camera is within 1000 studs of distance from the center of the particle emitting part and start emitting particles then.

If I want to fill a space larger than 1000 stud radius with dust for example, I need to create multiple parts.

If I wanted to make fire effects in the distance or a huge beach with some ambiance, I get this problem:

You can see that they pop in and out as I move my camera closer.

Fixes would be either let us handle the view distance and make it 1000 by default or view distance should change accordingly to Part.Size.magnitude/2+1000 which would make it so that the closest point in part has to be 1000 studs away to not show the particles in it.


Regardless of the distance limits, you should not create very large particle emitters. We sort objects (emitters), not individual particles (or rather we sort particles within the emitter, but not across emitters), so you will get a lot of transparency ordering issues for very large volumes filled with particles from just one emitter.

In addition to that, particle emitters are culled per object as well - if you have a 1000 stud large particle emitter, we will simulate & render all particles within that volume even if a small part of this volume is visible, reducing performance.


You could just shrink your entire map.

¯\ _(ツ)_/¯


That’s not a big issue really, barely noticeable.

I know, that’s one of the reasons I have it in chunks of parts. But the issue with that is, if the character is moving fast in that space the particles don’t fill in time. I’d have to increase the Rate that they spawn but that would cause an increase in the amount of particles. So I’d have to decrease the lifetime which makes it look like the particles are popping in and out space and that doesn’t look right.

Already at the limit which some parts of the maps details suffer from z-fighting which is the last thing that I want.