Increase Particle Emitters View Distance

Currently the render distance of particles is very small. We’re trying to put explosion effects to our ships but they are not visible from far away which is very annoying.

It is currently impossible to create nice particle effects far away from the camera. Things like smoke and fire should be able to be seen from far away with at least some detail.

It’s simply too hard to create nice effects in the distance. I was planning to create my own particle module using BillboardGuis but moving them was too intensive on the CPU so I had to scrape that idea.

I’ve suggested this before but I’m creating a new topic to address the issue again with a different reason.


I’ll think about it. Maybe make it dependent on the apparent bbox size instead of just raw distance, so that it would properly take big emitters into account.


Thanks, that’s really useful but, we’re using attachments for our explosion effects on our ships. And it would be awesome if we could maybe have a property that could define the max view distance, as adding that property wouldn’t change the games that are already optimized for that view distance but ones that need to, would be able to utilize it.


Support, I was about to post about this until I found this thread.

It is currently impossible to have control over a particle effect’s visibility at large distances even at high graphics settings.
The first funnel is supposed to be producing smoke at this time, but I am flying in the game relatively far away with a lower FOV to produce cinematic effects (it’s a gamepass in “Roblox Titanic”)


There is one workaround I found for this. By using the :Emit() method on the particle emitters. Yes it’s annoying to have a loop constantly emit particles, but it’s a good workaround that I found. It would still be great to have this behavior built into the “enabled” property though since no code required to workaround particle view distances.

(Based on current behavior)
Because of how the view distance works on emitters, when a particle is enabled, it emits a specific amount of particles based on the graphics quality and camera distance from the source. If graphics are high enough, and the camera is close enough, it emits the full rate of particles. But if the camera starts moving away from the source, it’s emission rate goes down till it reaches 0. Same story if the graphics quality is lowered but your close to the source, emission rate goes down. :Emit() can get around this.

Edit: After playing around with particles again after a while, it seems that if you are on graphics 8 or higher, they just disappear after a short distance. Kinda grinds my gears a bit.


Bumping this. This is an ongoing problem.

For games which utilize large maps, large everything really, this incurs a slight issue.

The distances will also be great

Due to the distances involved, effects have to be dumbed down to something as simple as a tweened sphere, which could arguably eat at performance more than particles being emitted, especially if the distances are so great that the tweened object representing the effect has to be massive to be visible from far away.

Increasing renderdistance for particles, or allowing it to scale with particle size would help mitigate this issue.

Roblox, I implore you to investigate the possibility of extending renderdistance for particles further.


also i would like to comment on the prospective usefulness of a render distance property on particle emitters:

as already aforementioned, any alternatives used to compensate (annoyingly) absent particles are mostly performance-heavy and i personally deem them utterly stupid considering that the only reason why they are employed into games is to cover up something that roblox themselves should solve (i also view this as a problem)

i cant form a single argument against this implementation or at least something alike
i suppose the feasibility, but that all boils down to if roblox can be bothered or not (not slandering)


I want to continue this topic as particles are one of the most important effects in the made-up by developers’ Experiences.

At the moment there are new features that allow us to expand our wings to new ideas, yet some of them that we might have in mind are of no use due to the fact that you have to be nearby the object that emits that particle. With that in mind, why not give the option to emit the particles regardless of distance?
You have a new option box to either allow the certain particles to stop emitting if you’re far away by default and if it’s bothering you, you could enable to option to forcefully emit particles no matter if you’re looking at them or if you’re far away to view them.

Obviously, some people might mention something about problems with performance, but it’s their problem if they emit too much. I just would perhaps want to add a particle border that emits clouds moving around, but unfortunately, they do not generate particles if I am not in the center of the arena.

I do believe many of the Developers would want the feature to emit particles no matter how far away you are from it.

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Also going to bump this. Particle Emitters are a huge portion of my game and it just looks bad with poor view distance. There are a ludicrous amounts of benefits from this and it’s simply unreasonable to not have this as a feature yet.


I feel like this is such a great addition that everyone can benefit from.


it is absolutely ridiculous that 6 years later we still do not have this added. large scale particles will make experiences much more immersive


This is so real, it would be awesome if players could see explosions and other effects from a larger distance rather than needing to call Emit(x) multiple times as a workaround… Especially when someone may die to something from far away and to anyone not to close to them, it would look like they just died, ruins the vibe.


I’m bumping this too. I’m trying to make a nuclear explosion using particles, but it just looks like a thin cloud from far away because it makes the particles have only half as much opacity from far away, and it doesn’t look as good as it should. Roblox needs to fix this.


While GUI are slow to move, adornments are not. You can’t get all the same effects with adornments as with particles, but you can at least get something.

ImageHandleAdornment can be used to display an arbitrary image somewhat like particles, but you have to handle the billboarding yourself.

You can also use the shape adornments if you want sorta-parts as part of an explosion of the like. They’re a lot faster to kove around manually but you have to move them manually since physics don’t apply: BoxHandleAdornment, SphereHandleAdornment, cylinder and cone.

Adornments aren’t a perfect custom particle but AFAICT they’re the closest thing that exists in roblox.

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Bumping for support. I am making a naval game where projectiles will travel long distances and explode on collision. These explosions are not visible to the player firing them due to the hard limit on particle emitter render distances. Having control over this property would directly improve my and many other games.


Also bumping for support, currently working on a Falcon 9 and Starship project but the particle emitters look horrible at distances.


A solution for that could also be to use a part/meshpart for the hitbox and design to make the explosion if this feature doesn’t get updated.

I definitely support this feature though.

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is this still being considered by Roblox? my game has a large map and the tornado in my game is invisible from far away cause its made out of particles


Bumping this cause I just NEED tornado fx to be visible foreva

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Adding to the bump.
I can see that it could very easily have impacts on performance when used excessively, but having the ability to have specific particles render regardless of the distance would situationally be a great feature.

There are various forms of trickery that can be used to imitate things to a degree for the sake of immersivity, but it does just add to the workload unnecessarily.

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