Increase Range Limit of Lights

Holy shit! Yes!

It’s about time, this is great news!



Just what I wanted to hear, roblox finally listened to us?


here is what it looks like by the way, light range is at 240 and the ugly line ain’t there but it is still very clear where the light actually starts to fade, its still in testing but they should fix that at some point.


light attenuation is incoming, there’s a FFlag for it already (but its broken)


the lighting attenuation is enabled and working in that screenshot, it is just very subtle and only helps to get rid of the ugly line when the fading starts


how do I actually go on enabling the fflag to test it out, I don’t know where it’s at, sorry I’m dumb

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Use Roblox Studio Mod Manager by “MaximumADHD” on GitHub. There should be FFlag editor. Also expect antivirus to complain since it does things to studio (AV’s dont trust software that modifies other software)
not sure if you can change FFlag through a JSON file in studio though.

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alright, thanks, I’ll see if it works ( it will)

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You are very far away from the light source, attenuation wont work properly because in the distance lights behave differently.

(unless they updated the fast flag then the attenuation is hardcoded and requires a manual slider to allow customizing it)

Bumping this, as of 2023 we still need this! It’s incredibly important and slowly is getting out of control as well, with games getting bigger and bigger by the day we need an increased lights limit as to not have 1,200 more or less different light sources across our maps! Tons of useless BETA features have been added, but this core feature is still missing! We all know the engine can clearly handle lighting up to 330 studs from previous tests, i don’t get why they’d focus on making animated faces that clearly no one asked for when even our engine can’t compete with other engines, we are still lacking A LOT of core features that any modern day game engine should have. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:


The fact we STILL CAN’T EXTEND LIGHTS past 60 is honestly getting kind of pathetic. This singular value constrains so much of Roblox’s more carefully set up game design elements, and makes larger scale games nearly impossible to light! As was highlighted about a hundred replies ago, it is NOT LAGGY or anything similar, and even if it was, they pointed out it should be the developer’s choice whether to optimize for lower end devices or not. This singular problem has been a thorn in developer’s sides for years now, and even WITH PROOF that there’s no problem extending range, roblox still refuses to do so. I do, gen uinelyhope that Roblox will listen to us here, because a lot of the stuff they have done recently has required much, much more effort than simply tweaking a few dials in the backend to allow roblox developers increasing light range past sixty.


Also I know there is technically a flag here, but the range is still capped to 240 (Albeit, that’s much better than 60) and I can’t seem to find a way to enable it without any outside software.


I’m back here to say

The extreme hand holding of roblox developers has gotten so ridiculous, we’re just drip fed updates everytime

We don’t just need increased light range, they need to fix outdoor lighting also which I think they MIGHT be doing, the giant voxel grid is so unbelievably ugly and frustrating

And for whatever reason, they didn’t give us the ability to place envmaps/cube maps (idk what it’s called, probes?), if this is not developer hand-holding I don’t know what is


I am actually about to make a topic about how I think the Assistant might be accidentally Leaking new engine features.

Because I was getting DETAILED INFORMATION from the assistant about a class called…


The information was INSANELY detailed, as if it was already in studio.

It was telling me how:
• to use it,
• how to insert it,
The Class Name,
• detailing about how it functions in studio,
• and even the Properties.

But whenever I ask if it is in Studio, the AI does a full 180* and starts telling me it’s “Previous Information Is Incorrect” and “It’s sorry for any confusion”.

And it was doing the Same Thing for a class called “EnvironmentProbes”.

It was very interesting.


their vision for the engine is that they want everything to be automatic and that “placeable cubemaps” don’t exist in the real world, so they are not going to add them. (i genuinely didn’t make that up you can find it on the old envmaps post)


Please do elaborate on that, do you recall the detailed explanations that came from the assistant?

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The current envmap system isn’t even good, if they wanted automatic envmaps then it should at least do its job, but it isn’t, it’s broken, it’s unreasonably low resolution and it’s out of our control

Look at the evidence, ROBLOX target mobile players often with really low end specs. Now look at envmaps, low resolution, extremely low accuracy, no control over the envmaps. It’s hand holding, they want you to do the things they want you to do, cater to an audience you didn’t want to cater to

Correct me If I’m wrong though


I recorded them! :smiley:

I do know that all you have to ask is “What are methods for achieving Reflections similar to Screen Spaced?”, and it will tell you that.

And then you can ask it questions like “Where is the documentation for it” and it will tell you how to get to it (there isn’t any tho)

You can ask for the Class Name and other things, and how to Insert it, and it will tell you.

I can send the recording in a bit.


Well I couldn’t get it to tell me anything, I’ll have to rely on your recording

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I will have to send it a little bit later, because the recording is on my PC, and I am using DevForum on my Phone at the moment.

I DO know that the very first thing I asked it is cut off, (did a bit of an error with the cropping) but overall the recording is fine.

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