Increase the maximum range (distance) of a light

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to light objects at a great distance, because currently the SurfaceLight Range property is limited to a maximum of 60.

Take for example this spotlight. In the real world, it would light up a great distance (like a football stadium, or, as in my case, an industrial yard). However, as you can see, the best configuration I got, using the maximum Range, still only reaches a small area.

In this case, I am forced to create several additional lighting, interfering with the factory layout.

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my development experience because this would allow for more realistic lighting, thus avoiding adding additional lighting sources to cover a larger area.


I agree, the lighting in Roblox looks splotchy and dim when it is night. Lights should have a larger roll-off as well, because seeing perfect lines where the light stops is ugly.


I’m just replying to this to do my part keeping a day from going by without seeing an “increase lights range” thread on the front page ( until Roblox staff notices, and either just does it or explains why they’re never going to.)


The truth would tell you that if you try to duplicate the part of the light, you move it to a specific place where you want and that’s it. Roblox does not make the points of light bigger because it is a resource which is very expensive to make and if they make them bigger then you will have errors.


Yes please, we really want this feature, because future build had no light limit, but for some reason we still dont have it unlocked, it would make stuff so much easier if there wouldn’t be absurdly low limit.


The issue is they try to turn off lights at a distance for rendering/performance issues.


It is true, it is something much more extensive than one thinks

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@Scottifly @multidimensionstudy
Could some of you show a screenshot of a good workaround for this limitation (no insults this time please)?

Linking the old duplicate with 190 likes for visbility. Increase Range Limit of Lights Please try not to make duplicate topics, more activity on one topic is more visible to staff than many topics about the same issue.


Everyone’s workaround has generally been to create a whole lot of little lights in place of a few big lights. Can’t test but I am not convinced that tradeoff is really helping rendering performance. Or even that lights are any kind of big performance bottleneck either way…? The lower-hanging fruit in my opinion would be automatically turning boolean objects into low or medium poly meshparts in an optimized way.

From my experience with lights, they use a “chunk usage” where they would load portions of the light. Why wouldn’t they do it with longer light distances?

I also support this with all the features listed above.

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As @multidimensionstudy and others have mentioned, a string of lights is the only way to do it.
I don’t see where any insults were posted so I’m confused about your comment.

As @SomeFedoraGuy said, Roblox loads lights at a distance in large chunks, which isn’t smooth at all. They don’t fade in or out.

Please look at the link @PeZsmistic posted. Most of your answers will be answered there.

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I’m closing this topic in favor of the similar topic indicated: Increase Range Limit of Lights