The Dragger instance might be kind of niche considering building games have died down as of late, but it still has its uses. The ability to define what increment it snaps to, rather than it always snapping to an increment of 1 would help bring it into the modern age.
We don’t really support this object anymore, in part because it doesn’t work with FilteringEnabled, but also because it’s weirdly hardcoded into the engine and has a lot of really old code behind it. I’ve reimplemented the default build tools in Lua for my game, and that’s the obvious path forward for anyone else making building games.
How did you recode the Dragger’s functionality? I’m in a similar predicament and I’ve managed to get implementations of all old tools working except for that one.
It took quite a while to get them to work smoothly. I kind of just kept hacking at it until I got something that felt good. The basic principle is to use raycasts to find the general area of where the part should be, and then move it around until there’s a spot where it actually fits (using collision checks that are currently not exposed to Lua - you have to implement them yourself). I might open source my tools at some point.
In that case there should probably be a deprecated tag on this class
… and a model that shows how to do it without the class
Can I have a link to your place I wanna check these tools out
They’re not a perfect recreation, there’s still some bugs, and there are some minor differences in how they work.