Hello, for the third time today.
Yet again, I have another issue, relating to coins. At the moment, I am trying to fix a script, that allows coins to spawn randomly within a certain place. When I test the game to test the script, I get an error.
22:05:35.920 ServerScriptService.Generators.Coins.GeneratorC1:12: attempt to index nil with 'Clone' - Server - GeneratorC1:12
22:05:35.920 Stack Begin - Studio
22:05:35.920 Script 'ServerScriptService.Generators.Coins.GeneratorC1', Line 12 - function gen - Studio - GeneratorC1:12
22:05:35.920 Script 'ServerScriptService.Generators.Coins.GeneratorC1', Line 21
I’ve tried a couple things but I haven’t learned about indexing nil or cloning yet so that’s why I’m here. This is also a script my friend added in the game when we started a while ago.
Here is the script:
function gen()
local SS = game:GetService("ServerStorage")
local List = SS:WaitForChild("CoinsWRLD1")
local Items = List:GetChildren()
local MaxItems = 50 --Max amount of coins spawned
local PickedItem = Items[math.random(1, MaxItems)]
local part = PickedItem:Clone()
part.Parent = workspace:FindFirstChild('SpawnedCoins1')
local x = math.random(130,366)
local z = math.random(-156,162)
part.Position = Vector3.new(x,part.Position.Y,z)
while wait(5) do
I feel guilty for this being my third post today, but every one is a learning experience for me.
Any help would be amazing!!!
I also did look for any other topics like this, but none seemed to help.
Yes, but the issue is that that line is getting something from the folder in server storage. There is obviously not 50 items so its returning nil therefore giving that error. You should change it to what he said
local PickedItem = Items[math.random(1, #Items)]
Edit: The only thing making it 50 changes is the error so there is no point having 50?
The code should be like this right? Just making sure I put it in the right place…
function gen()
local SS = game:GetService("ServerStorage")
local List = SS:WaitForChild("CoinsWRLD1")
local Items = List:GetChildren()
local MaxItems = math.min(50, #Items)
if #Items < MaxItems then
local PickedItem = Items[math.random(1, 50)]
local part = PickedItem:Clone()
part.Parent = workspace:FindFirstChild('SpawnedCoins1')
local x = math.random(130,366)
local z = math.random(-156,162)
part.Position = Vector3.new(x,part.Position.Y,z)
while wait(5) do
local MaxItems = 50
local coinsSpawned = 0
function gen()
local SS = game:GetService("ServerStorage")
local List = SS:WaitForChild("CoinsWRLD1")
local Items = List:GetChildren()
if coinsSpawned < MaxItems then
local PickedItem = Items[math.random(1, 50)]
local part = PickedItem:Clone()
part.Parent = workspace:FindFirstChild('SpawnedCoins1')
local x = math.random(130,366)
local z = math.random(-156,162)
part.Position = Vector3.new(x,part.Position.Y,z)
coinsSpawned += 1
while wait(5) do
local MaxItems = 50
local coinsSpawned = 0
function gen()
local SS = game:GetService("ServerStorage")
local List = SS:WaitForChild("CoinsWRLD1")
local Items = List:GetChildren()
if coinsSpawned < MaxItems then
local PickedItem = Items[math.random(1, #Items)]--I didn't see inside of CoinsWRLD1 and SpawnedCoins1
local part = PickedItem:Clone()
part.Parent = workspace:FindFirstChild('SpawnedCoins1')
local x = math.random(130,366)
local z = math.random(-156,162)
part.Position = Vector3.new(x,part.Position.Y,z)
coinsSpawned += 1
while wait(5) do
Are you putting out the same coin or is there different coins?
Is the number of coins you want always going to 50?
Do you want them to all spawn at the same time or slowly?
Once 50 coins are out do you want 50 coins to be out all the time?
Ok so based on how its placed in the game, It should be like this.
The max amount of coins that will be able to be spawned is 50, so if people aren’t collecting them, there will be 50. In ServerStorage there is a folder named CoinsWRLD1, with the coin inside of it. I am pretty sure it is supposed to clone that coin, then spawn it within the area. And I want them to spawn slowly.