Index nil with Clone

Once a coin is picked up do you want it to spawn a random replacement or is there only 50 coins total?

Yeah, after a few seconds.

The maximum amount that is able to spawn at once is 50, but once one is picked up shortly another will spawn.

I guess that donā€™t matter ā€¦ about the replacement

function gen()
	local SS = game:GetService("ServerStorage")
	local part = SS.coin:Clone()
	part.Parent = workspace
	local x = math.random(130,366) 
	local z = math.random(-156,162) 
	part.Position =,1.5,z)

for _= 1,50 do
	gen() wait(5)

The 1.5 is where it looks right on my baseplate ā€¦ youā€™ll need to figure that out on yours.
This will put out 50 coins, slowly ā€¦ in the code they pick up the coin add the gen function and call it once so it sets off a coin replacement. That will save you from constantly checking for coin numbers.
With many players picking up many coins a count number would be off at times. This way it will never be off.

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Just tested, it worked. Thank you sooo much!

thank AceBookMarker ā€¦ Iā€™m just showing you a different way of looking at this problem.

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In the picked up a coin code with the gen function added you could do this ā€¦

delay(5, function()

That should keep everything rolling along with a delay on the new coin spawn. While being able to pick up more coins in the mean time.

Ok, that delay did work so great :rofl:
But this will ā€¦ (this script is inside the coin)

local rs = game:GetService("RunService")
local SS = game:GetService("ServerStorage")
local wait = function(t)
	t=(t) or rs.Stepped:Wait();local n=tick();
    repeat rs.Stepped:Wait()until(tick()-(n)>=(t))
end wait(2)
local paws = 0.06
local p = script.Parent

function gen()
	local part = SS.coin:Clone()
	part.Parent = workspace
	local x = math.random(130,366) 
	local z = math.random(-156,162) 
	part.Position =,1.5,z)

	local player = game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit.Parent)
--	if player then player.leaderstats.Coins.Value = player.leaderstats.Coins.Value + 1
	--	delay(5, function()
	--	end)
--	end

while true do wait(paws) 
	p.CFrame = p.CFrame * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0.1, 0, 0)

Oh, did I just give away my epic real time wait function :eyes:

Sorry for the late response. What is this part of the code for?

	local player = game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit.Parent)
--	if player then player.leaderstats.Coins.Value = player.leaderstats.Coins.Value + 1
	--	delay(5, function()
	--	end)
--	end

while true do wait(paws) 
	p.CFrame = p.CFrame * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0.1, 0, 0)

Just asking because a lot of it was comments

That is where they pick it up ā€¦ and it set off a new coin.
The rest is the coin spinning.

The rem is showing you where to add it to the leaderboard
The other was a test that failed ā€¦

Ah, alright. So they will stay comments then?
oh nevermind lol

No, take that fail test out ā€¦ and use the other if you do have a leaderboard or to add to wherever youā€™re keep track of coins collected. Youā€™ll have to modify it to your leaderboard names.

I was trying to delay then right after deleted the script ā€¦ drr :laughing:
If you wanted that delay you could just wait with the coin none collision and transparent.
Wait the time then delete.

Okā€¦just confirmingā€¦ lol.
I put this in the coins script?

[quote=ā€œtkuski08, post:33, topic:1851401, full:trueā€]
Okā€¦just confirmingā€¦ lol.
I put this in the coins script?

Yes, and you will even get a nice spinning coin. Take that spin out if you donā€™t like it.

Oh, so it needs the gen part to it, the coin itself already spins and gives the coin to the players leaderstat. Would i just add function(gen) (Cause it doesnt exist in the script)

In that case you would just add the gen() part
Easier to just have a coin add a new coin than keeping track of all the coins all the time.
And it would also be on count always, with no miscounts. win/win

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			delay(5, function()

Sorry my peanut sized brain is so confused right now. The gen here is unknown global and doesnt exist. So above it I add the part clone thing?

forget that and just use gen()
Youā€™ll have to add the Gen() function to that script too.

local SS = game:GetService("ServerStorage")

function gen()
	local part = SS.coin:Clone()
	part.Parent = workspace
	local x = math.random(130,366) 
	local z = math.random(-156,162) 
	part.Position =,1.5,z)

	local player = game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit.Parent)
	if player then gen()
		script.Parent:Destroy() -- if you got this covered remove this line
                                -- and just add this script to the coin, for a new gen() coin

I would do this in the same script youā€™re working with removing the coin and adding it to the leaderboard. But you could use it as two scripts and it wouldnā€™t hurt anything.

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Yeah, that was what I meant. Just tested it! Thank you again! Sorry for all of the confusion

I did end up putting it in a different script, just because I was scared of putting it in the wrong place.

Back up the script, do wild tests. If it blows up, go back to the backup and retry.
Programming 101. :grin:

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