Just to really clarify that, while you program you should be saving your program if it is working perfectly for what you have done. If you’re going to add more to that program save it by a different name then continue. Then if at some point you messed up everything you always have a working back up when things were working up to that point.
exc. exc…
By the time you are totally done you should be on myprogram_124 or something like that.
Ya that works well, Also, make a new save when you do a major change. The name of your save don’t matter it will still compile to the name of the game.
This is called good house keeping.
If you do end up going back to a former save with [open from file] … at compile time it will ask you to make a new game. Just save using [save to Roblox as] and over wright the game you’re working on by clicking only that icon. (you’ll see what I mean if you ever do that)