It didn’t work when set to 1 and 1 for me either, I had to mess around with both values for a while.
I understand the reasoning behind wanting to automate this system and to expand on this functionality in the future; Still suprises me offering devs a way of doing this themselves isn’t offered - I assume to cover as wide a base of ‘developers’ as possible.
i did all
not working
Welp, nevermind, it stopped working for me too.
This sounds nice, but I really don’t like this direction. Roblox is a game engine, you should be prioritizing control and efficiency for developers and not ease of use for new developers.
Yup and yup
Wow these visuals are amazing they feel exactly like I’m inside Blender!
Tip: Using a black skybox will give the best results!
Sweet!, this is what I have been waiting for
Reshade runs pretty well with screen space reflections and other things, I think it would be cool if screen space reflections were actually in official roblox
I know this is still in development and all- but it’s meh… For this being in Beta, I kind of expected it to be decently good
- NPCs are not reflected
- The reflection is bigger than the object itself
and - The reflection in the image below still shows the entire door even though the NPC is blocking it
Also - this is my first reply on the dev forum
- It also seems to reflect through parts…
Good job on the first reply!, but I’ve also seen this weird thing, sometimes even reflecting itself even when i move it around to update it.
because the reflection does not reflect the person it is a bit inaccurate and does not seem to work in real time
Updating the reflection every frame would probably be too intensive as it basically has to render the scene twice every frame. It would look nice but I’d rather have baked and fast reflections.
Managed to get a good reflection by applying a PBR material with an all-white metal map and all-black roughness map. Objects do reflect themselves, but that’s probably fine and worth the performance boost of not rendering separate env maps per instance. Overall, seems pretty cool!
edit: here is a GIF of the “smooth blend” described in the original post to answer @jmkd3v
it can be done in real time other than that they do not work in some interiors and it is little intense and looks a bit ugly on flat surfaces
That’s because it’s using one reflection map for the whole room. It means that all objects that aren’t positioned exactly where they were when the map was generated will get reflected off themselves.