Indoor Dynamic Environment Maps Beta

It’s reflecting itself for some reason


That’s because it’s using one reflection map for the whole room. It means that all objects that aren’t positioned exactly where they were when the map was generated will get reflected off themselves.


Will there be a way to manually set up environment map nodes as well as set up parameters for the space it takes up? Sometimes, creators would like even more control over these sorts of things, which is why I ask.

Sometimes environment maps simply do not update in time, this paired with the fact that decals and transparency is practically ignored doesn’t help either.


Try setting the color to pure black

You may need to increase your graphics. I had mine set to max

I guess that makes sence, though, I’m not too sure what Roblox defines as a room

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Mine is at level 21. Everything is maxed out.


I really love how it reflects

it was reflecting these buildings


possibly if in my case it doesn’t work either


the generated env skybox doesnt seem to work at all under lighting influenced purely by the actual skybox and physical sun

the generated skybox also doesnt seem to render shadows, specular, diffuse light bounces caused by light objects (surfacelight, pointlight, etc)


Are there any plans to make the maps parallax corrected? (see video for example)


enable it in beta settings like ethswan said:

I already did that but it seems that no

did you turn your graphic to the highest?

  1. How “indoor” is decided: We have a voxel system and each voxel has a value represents sky visibility. Because each voxel is 4x4x4 studs, it is not accurate and sometimes causes light leak into rooms. If a voxel has half sky visibility, the reflection could be mixed with sky and indoor environment map.

  2. Hardly visible: Don’t use “Reflectance” property of Part, that’s legacy. Reflection is based on roughness and metalness of the material. So if you want see clear reflections, it’s better to use Metal material or SurfaceAppearance to control those properties. Also it works best in Future mode, because Future has better indoor lighting.

  3. How the position is decided: we perform some raycasts to get a basic idea of current space. Then place the probe in the center. If the environment changes, we will update the env map.

  4. Generating a new map basically means we need to render the scene several times. We limit the render distance and split it into several frames, so the performance impact in minimized. Low end devices like d3d9 and gles2 doesn’t support this feature, performance is not affected on those devices.

  5. It’s not real time reflection (generation takes time), it’s not intended to work as a mirror. If you are staring at a ball and it is reflecting itself, that is expected because the env map is not captured inside the ball. All objects share the same env map for now.

  6. Decals not rendering might be a bug.


if I have it to the maximum with graphics in 21

The reflection is absaloutely terrible, it’s very pixexlated and you need to set exposure to 5+

Edit: I mean come on, even viewport frames look better, when the camera is close to the frame


i remember seeing this. i’m not sure if this is easy to do.

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Have any of you tried ReShade? If so can you tell me how it runs with screen space reflections?

I’ve tried it. It runs fine but I do get like 30 fps.