Indoor Reflections Bug

There is a bug with Indoor Reflections where it appears to be switching between multiple reflection maps while navigating the scene. This is a relatively new behavior noticed in the last week where all Indoor reflective surfaces will flicker rapidly when viewing the scene from different angles and positions.

Outdoor reflections appear to be unaffected by this bug. Disabling Global Shadows will “fix” this issue, but my guess is that this is because it is also disabling the “indoor vs outdoor” calculations all together

Video Example: bug_indoorreflections2.mp4 - Google Drive
Repro File: bug_indoorreflections.rbxl (59.9 KB)


yea its a bit offputting, i noticed it too but i cant file bug reports, thanks ms lai!

Roblox cubemaps in general are super shoddy. In most games that use cubemaps they update frequently to preserve the look of constant reflections, roblox however takes significantly longer and its unfortunately quite noticeable in how slow it is to switch from one room to another.

(almost like its time to give us screen space reflections!)


In a recent update, there were changes to something with how the engine triggers an envmap regeneration that, from my understanding, can cause it to get updated more frequently:

We noticed this change triggers envmap updates more aggressively than before. We’re currently working on a fix to minimize and hopefully completely remove new visual artifacts this change may have caused.


See, that’s were you are wrong. Games don’t generate cube maps MID RUNTIME. They are captured before runtime (in our case studio) and are statically placed with a volume which specifies in what area a cubemap renders. Roblox decided to add runtime uncontrollable cubemaps which is awful…

This should be fixed! Still having trouble?

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