Infinitely scrolling landscape?

Hey, so i don’t really have that much skill in scripting… or any experience for that matter. I haven’t been able to find any solutions to this issue either so I felt i’d ask here:

How would i make an infinitely scrolling landscape? like for example: say you’re on a bus driving down an endless road past hills, or buildings… or on an airship passing by endless clouds and a landscape below… Or a train through an endless tunnel… How could I achieve that in simple terms?

Help would be greatly appreciated, thank you :pray:


You have to create the illusion that the landscape is endless. You could use parts which have a seamless texture on them. To create the illusion that you are moving, you could offset the UVs of that texture using TweenService. You could also add a camera shake or something related to the movement to add a little more to the illusion.

As @Tylerisawsome113 mentioned, you can use the TweenService to smoothly change the properties of an instance. On top of textures and UI, you can also use this service on parts, such as their position, orientation, and size. It may vary depending on the desired effect, but you can simply have a landscape scroll “infinitely” with a tween repeatedly changing an instance’s position.

A quick search of the forums using ‘endless road’ turned up these posts:
How would i add a infinitly long single road to this terrain generation? - #6 by 5uphi
Can't Get Position and Change the Position of a Model
[SOLVED] Help on infinite road - #10 by jamesabear

You can just change search times to things like ‘infinity road’ ‘endless landscape’ or ‘endless driving’ to see what those get for results too.

That is in fact what I’m trying to do. The issue Is i haven’t been able to find any answer that i can really understand, or any pre-made asset that i can edit to my liking.

To reiterate i have basically no skill at all with scripting so I’m wondering if there’s maybe an easy or understandable way to go about it that’s already widely-used?

well, I mean “The illusion of movement” part… not the UV offset part. I wish for physical objects to pass by, like hills.

heres an example of the type of thing i’m trying to get at here.

in the most simple terms, i just wanna move an entire model to a certain location, then immediately reset its position and have it repeat to create the illusion of flying through an infinite cityscape.

(I am an artist, not by any means a programmer or scripter, so forgive my complete inexperience)

That’s why I put the links in my previous post about using the Search button up top. I found those 3 posts in about 2 minutes.