Innovation awards should not display vote counts which introduces heavy bias into the voting process

Currently, as of 7/2/24, the innovation awards voting hub has a major issue that introduces a very heavy bias to the voting process.

At the time of making this post, the voting stand for the winning experience displays the current vote counts of a given experience to players:

Players are then given rewards for “guessing” which experience will win. This entices and rewards players for selecting experiences with the highest vote count, not what they personally liked. This leads to specific forced vote outcomes, and all but guarantees that particular experiences are going to win the vote as soon as voting opens.

This is extremely disrespectful to the developer community! Developers work hard to find success, and instead of their experiences being used in a voting process that removes bias as much as reasonably possible, this year the process is as biased as possible.

The voting hub should not, under any circumstances, be displaying current vote totals to players, ESPECIALLY when there are rewards associated with “guessing” the winner correctly ahead of time. The damage has already been done for one category, Roblox needs to fix this as soon as possible to prevent this bias from impacting other categories. The innovation awards are meant to be a celebration of the developer community & highlight highly enjoyed experiences, this issue is not in the spirit of that!

Update 2:


I do NOT know what they were thinking with this, it needs to be changed ASAP… The whole point of the event is the build up towards it and wondering who will win, I genuinely hate this feature so much. It really defeats the purpose of it all

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At least I guessed correctly

Was this a recent change? I don’t recall this being present when I went to the hub yesterday

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Each day a new category is introduced, yesterday was just an introduction to the whole event, so they didn’t add it right away


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UPDATE : After speaking with developer relations, here’s what’s actually going on.

  • The big voting panel that displays the vote counts is for selecting your prediction for which experience will win, it is NOT a panel for voting for the experience that will actually win in a given category.
  • The prediction hub is where you can place your winner predictions ahead of time. The farther out you lock-in your prediction, the more points you get. If you change your prediction, you lose points. As such bias is punished & discouraged.

Based on this information, my feedback would be:

  • Clearly label & indicate at the big prediction hub that it is in fact, a prediction hub. Not a winner voting hub.
  • Better explain how the points system & prediction hub works. If it confused myself & other developers to the point that it has here, I can only imagine how much it’s confusing regular players.

The number of votes should NOT be shown no matter the reason, it’s very demotivating and demoralizing if you’re a developer of the game watching that number. Secondly, it’s influencing people’s votes, seeing this number will cause the average player to choose the most popular pick- leading to unfair bias.

I thought the innovation awards are meant to uplift and celebrate everyone’s achievements, but this doesn’t feel very uplifting and it’s disheartening :confused:


UPDATE 2 : I’m not so sure the explanation devrel provided is accurate. Upon joining the hub today, you see this message:

This reads like the games the players voted for actually won in their respective categories, and that the votes were not purely for predictions.

I’m confused. At the hub there are two separate panels/areas labeled RDC Voting and Predictions. The RDC Voting was to vote for categories where the winners would be announced during RDC and the prediction area was to predict which games would win in the other categories. At first I thought the categories that players would predict on were the categories where Roblox would choose the winners for. But then I was even more confused when there was daily voting for each category. I was under the impression that the daily votes were to determine the winners of those categories but apparently not from that explanation?

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That was the explanation I was given, but then if you log in you are presented with this:

It’s worded like TOH won the category for the awards ceremony. And if that is the case, the ceremony is pointless because the system had an insane amount of bias & everyone knows the winners ahead of time.

The official Roblox twitter account is promoting today’s voting as voting for the winners and not as a prediction voting. I think that the explanation devrel provided was incorrect.