Input lag on mac script editor

Reproduction Steps

I am running an M1 apple chip with 16 gb memory, on a 24-inch retina display
This bug occurs whenever I am typing in the script editor. I notice the letters displayed to noticably lag behind what I am typing. To reproduce this bug, open roblox studio on a mac and try to type quickly

Expected Behavior

I expect coding in studio to be fast, and for the code I type to appear as I type it

Actual Behavior

The displayed code noticably lags behind what I am typing, taking an annoying amount of time to catch up. This problem gets worse when less memory is available on the system, although it still occurs with a large amount of free memory.
This is making it much harder to code quickly



Issue Area: Engine
Issue Type: Performance
Impact: High
Frequency: Constantly
Date Last Experienced: 2022-10-11 00:10:00 (-04:00)


This might be caused by the Studio Design Refresh update
I have this problem too, it started after the update

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I am also experiencing this issue on an M1 Pro chip

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me too,the fps from 60 ā†’ 14fps,it make me CANT CODING :sob:

All macs have this ussue. For some its worse than others. Like for me whenever I interact with any server scripts roblox crashes. When I type it rubberbands. When I open the animation editor roblox gets glitchty.Where has the mac support gone??? this is too much, the animation editor now makes studio go boom Streamable

Thanks for the report. This will be investigated.

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Iā€™m too after this update. for m1pro chip with 16gb memory, on macos monterey.

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After the update today, it seems that the problem has been solved!! But, this is different thing, login error at multi-client simulation still happens.

Hello this bug has returned with the latest studio update


Is the Script Editor issue still happening? We have been looking at addressing it recently. If so, can you either DM us your place or at least describe it roughly (number of scripts, largest script size, average script size, number of parts, instances etc in your place.)

Thank you!

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Is the Script Editor issue still happening? We have improved Script Editor performance and this looks OK on our side?

If you are seeing it, can you either DM us your place or at least describe it roughly (number of scripts, largest script size, average script size, number of parts, instances etc in your place.)

Hi, it seems to be fixed but I will DM you those details if it happens again.