Studio Design Refresh - Docking Overhaul & Ribbon Upgrade

For me, on mac it’s difficult to use the script editor because of preformance
This started after the update
While there are performance issues, the script editor seems to be the slowest for me :melting_face:

The number of editor tabs open does not affect preformance very much
Something else is causing it

I’m glad it’s being fixed though
Thank you @ElephantMesh

In update 0.547.0.5470549, the Properties widget’s performance has significantly decreased when an object’s properties are changed quickly, averaging 44 FPS on MacOS. What’s odd about this is it only occurs when the widget is docked. I get 60 FPS when the widget is closed/floating.

Performance While Widget is docked vs closed

Performance While Widget is docked vs floating

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Thanks @ElephantMesh for replying to this thread. I’m using version 0.547.0.5470549 and at least for me if the Explorer window is docked within the main window it causes a significant frame rate drop. My setup is an iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, 2020) with s second monitor attached. I have tried to run without the second monitor and that makes no difference.


The main rendering is now fixed (thank goodness), however I still find the explorer unreasonably laggy but now bearable. Whenever a part is being moved by any means (i’m assuming this may be the properties window now though) the rendering becomes laggy - making precise part movements almost impossible.

Adding on I can’t even undock or close the properties window - so there is no way to test the performance with it undocked. This is a problem as the properties window is unresponsive.

I am still experiencing the massive typing delays in the script editor on MacOS after the update. This has been happening constantly ever since the studio refresh.

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This is a massive complaint I have with this new docking overhaul.

2 core issues:

  1. Plugin windows I close don’t stay closed
  2. When I leave multiple scripts open and load into the same place it doesn’t load them instantly and open on the one I had last open but rather opens each script one by one over a timespan that is seemingly determined by how many scripts were open.

These 2 simple annoyances make loading into a place for studio more annoying than not.

These getting resolved would make everything so much simpler and be just like the old system but overhauled and improved as (I assume) you want

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I like that Studio is finally getting updates, but there’s a very annoying bug that keeps happening when I try running the game.

Almost every time I click “Stop” after running, two empty interfaces appear. These can’t be closed, and I need to resize them to hide them from my screen. This did not happen before the update.

Version 0.547.0.5470549 (64bit)
Windows 10 Home 21H2

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maybe its something with the “test” tab? Try running a test on the test tab and see if it still happens

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Just tested right now, the bug still occured sadly.

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try messing with stuff in the roblox settings or uninstall roblox studio and install it again

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Tried both of them, but to no avail

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We’ve made many improvements with regards to docking, including an indicator widget as docking marker, a new Auto Hide feature, easier more granular docking and grouping options, side-by-side capabilities, and more.

This worked fine for me a bit ago, but as of recent the docked plugin tab positions don’t save after I playtest.

if I dock a plugin tab somewhere and I keep it open then it’ll stay there, but if I close the tab and then playtest, then once I open the plugin again it reverts back to how it was before, the position I put it in doesn’t save. Also one plugin just automatically opens up for some reason.

When I first open the plugin, looks like this:

I dock it to my desired position, and re-size it

I close the plugin, playtest, and it reverts back to how it was in the first image

And here’s the plugin that just opens by itself whenever studio starts up


Yea you can put dock plugins jn a dock but when you dis able and then reenable it is resets its size and position and it’s extremely annoying.

This new docking system needs to be reverted until it is completely bug free. Almost every time I open up studio, the windows find new ways to mess up their positions or become nearly impossible and tedious to put back. It’s incredibly disruptive towards general development workflow.

Speaking of new ways, here’s a duplicate draft window:


I do not know which staff led the development of this docking system. He’s supposed to be a spy sent by unity or epic to short roblox’s stock price in order to undermine the developer ecosystem roblox has built up, lol :rofl:

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Same for me, in my case while playtesting, the “playtesting” window ejects out of the main studio window and i can’t put it back wihout having to restart studio.


For me the performance issues are still present on the Mac in Version 0.548.0.5480523.

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im still having this exact issue, it’s gotten to a point where i cannot work on my experience anymore


Im having the exact same issue here, it happens for me when I try to open a sub place via the Asset Manager. It also happens when I finish Playtesting.

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