Inside Magnitude

How do I can get the inside magnitude by direction in part? I tried use:

local distance = direction * Part.Size * direction 

but it doesn’t work correctly
I need like this:

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Hello there!

You want to do it in a 2D plane? If not you can use raycasting:

local Result = bla bla)

local Distance = Result.Distance

If you want it in a 2D plane maybe you can do it using trigonometry

a (Distance) = b^2 ((Part side / 2) ^2) + c^2 (Distance from the center to the colision point^2)

The following code might not work, i’m not too good at math

local X = Direction.X
local Y = Direction.Y

if X == 1 or X == - 1 then

local Distance = math.Sqrt(Part.Size.X^2 + (Part.Size.Y * (Y * math.sigh(Y))^2))


local Distance = math.Sqrt(Part.Size.Y^2 + (Part.Size.X * (X * math.sigh(X))^2))


Hope it helps ;]

How general a solution are you looking for? Do you literally just need the 2D distance from the center of a perfect square to the nearest side for any direction in the plane, or is what you really the distance from any point inside an arbitrary 3D object to the surface, in the some provided direction?

In the worst cases, where the “part” is non-convex or non-manifold mesh, this problem can get pretty difficult.

Thank you for your reply, but I want to do this in 3D and not use the Raycasting

this should work

local function getClosestSurfacePoint(part, point)
    local halfSize = part.Size * 0.5
    local localPoint = part.CFrame:PointToObjectSpace(point)

    local clampedPoint =
        math.clamp(localPoint.X, -halfSize.X, halfSize.X),
        math.clamp(localPoint.Y, -halfSize.Y, halfSize.Y),
        math.clamp(localPoint.Z, -halfSize.Z, halfSize.Z)

    if localPoint.X ~= clampedPoint.X then
        clampedPoint = * math.sign(localPoint.X), clampedPoint.Y, clampedPoint.Z)
    elseif localPoint.Y ~= clampedPoint.Y then
        clampedPoint =, halfSize.Y * math.sign(localPoint.Y), clampedPoint.Z)
    elseif localPoint.Z ~= clampedPoint.Z then
        clampedPoint =, clampedPoint.Y, halfSize.Z * math.sign(localPoint.Z))

    return part.CFrame:PointToWorldSpace(clampedPoint)

just saying, that it works on the bounding box of the part not the part itself. So meshes won’t work right

there is a get closest point on surface API, I didn’t know that