Instance: Trust check failed

Relating to a post I made here


function Webhook.OnServerInvoke(player, message)
	local Payload = HttpService:JSONEncode({
		content = message,
		avatar_url = Players:GetUserThumbnailAsync(player.UserId, Enum.ThumbnailType.HeadShot, Enum.ThumbnailSize.Size420x420),
		username = player.Name .. ' - (#' .. player.UserId .. ')'

	HttpService:PostAsync(Webhook, Payload)
	return true


	Submit.Label.Text = 'Sending ...'
	Webhook:InvokeServer(Feedback.Text) -- ERROR OCCURS HERE
	Submit.Label.Text = 'Submit'
	Feedback.Text = 'Please enter any feedback you have on the game! This can include feature requests/bugs/possible changes/etc.'

[20:34:24.886 - Instance: Trust check failed]
20:34:24.886 - Stack Begin
[20:34:24.887 - Script ‘Players.NinjoOnline.PlayerGui.HUD.Settings.SettingsControl’, Line 124]
20:34:24.887 - Stack End

Line 124 is noted above in the client script (InvokeServer)

As for replicating, just use those above scripts (with a button) and a RemoteFunction called ‘Webhook’ and enable Http requests. This used to work in past projects of mine. Not sure why it’s breaking now all of a sudden, but’s it’s a bug on Roblox’s end, not mine

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It’s very difficult to understand what you are doing here without the complete code.

From this code snippet it appears that the issue is that you are simply calling HttpService:PostAsync() with the incorrect parameters. The first parameter should be a string which is the url to post the data to, not a RemoteFunction.

function Webhook.OnServerInvoke(player, message)
	local Payload = HttpService:JSONEncode({
		content = message,
		avatar_url = Players:GetUserThumbnailAsync(player.UserId, Enum.ThumbnailType.HeadShot, Enum.ThumbnailSize.Size420x420),
		username = player.Name .. ' - (#' .. player.UserId .. ')'

	-- Webhook is an instance here, not a string url to post the information to
	HttpService:PostAsync(Webhook, Payload)
	return true

It’s possible that you are shadowing the definition of Webhook at the top of the script with a variable for the RemoteFunction. You need to post more of the code so it’s possible to see what’s going on.

From the information you have provided it seems like this is not a bug, you are just using the PostAsync API incorrectly.


The error message can be improved (should say that it expects the first parameter to be a string) – we will look into this.