Interaction with Script Editor really laggy on Windows

Still happening.

Using a Ryzen 3 3200g, 16 GB RAM DDR4.

Happening to me as well, reinstalled studio, disabled g-sync, and messed around with other settings. Editor is laggy no matter the amount of lines in the script. Using a RTX 3070 with a G-Sync monitor.

I’m having a similar problem, script editor laggy unless popped out of studio. I noticed in the performance window, in Lua, while the script editor was in studio the AverageGcInterval spike VERY high. I couldn’t find anything on google about the AverageGcInterval. I do NOT have G-Sync enabled or available on my PC.

all of the sudden now having the same issue. @Soybeen any ideas?

I had this exact same problem a few weeks ago. I hadn’t changed anything, and suddenly it lagged like crazy. I’m on an iMac though, but it’s the exact same issue.
Though last week, it seems to have solved itself, cause now it works just like before, no more lagging in scripts. I really don’t know why it happened, nor how it just fixed itself again. :joy:

@Philleco . It’s fixed! Here’s what I used Guide on how to fix script editor lag (macos), hope it works!

Ah well, as I also said in my post, it solved itself somehow. It suddenly just stopped, but thanks for the information. Then I’ll know where to go if it appears again. :slightly_smiling_face:

I had the same problem and I think I found a solution. I turned off the Toolbox Menu and Team Create and it stopped lagging!

Still happening, turning off G-Sync fixed it. This issue really needs to be fixed.

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bump. Still happening @Roblox really needs to fix this…

First time turning off G-Sync did not work, after switching it on and off multiple times (and finally off) it worked.

Like @Destrings said;

@devTools Your topic is marked as solved (solution by Soybeen), does this solve the bug report definitely? If not, you should unmark it, otherwise Roblox’s bug triaging team might misunderstand and think this doesn’t need attention anymore.

If it is solved for you, you should ask a moderator to lock this so the people above can file their own descriptive bug reports on the issue.

wasn’t having an issue with this before roblox overhauled their autocomplete, but now I’m having huge issues with lag. Gsync off seems to have worked, but this is just unacceptable that I need to do use the tools. it’s not like I’m system limited, running a RTX 2060s, ryzen 5 and 32gb. Any other alternatives found?

Just tested and found that scrolling latency only occurs when the window is in focus?? If another program is open and focused, scrolling works fine in the editor.

This is certified weird, fix your tools Roblox

*edit - this is worse than certified weird, thank you mods.


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