Pre - TL;DR The badge should not have to be removed from an Admin’s developer account if he/she wants to monetize on that account. Even if stickmasterluke is okay with the decision, I personally don’t see how it is just. This opinion applies to all admins, not just stickmasterluke. However, I use stickmasterluke as the examples since he is the main topic of this post.
While many may be okay with this decision or even agree with it in general, I completely oppose of the decision.
First off, I want to mention that this decision completely ruins the point of the badge. If you go to the Roblox Badges page then you would see that the description of the badge is:
While this may not be the FULL reason, it is a HUGE reason for the badge. Many people impersonate Roblox Admins, for instance, and this badge signifies anyone who is truly a Roblox Admin. Without this badge, stickmasterluke may go into a game with his yellow chat color and Roblox Admin image on playerlist (due to the fact that he is in the Roblox Admins group) and many people may become confused if they go to his profile and see he doesn’t have the official verification indicator that he is a Roblox Admin. This may lead to confusion among players as:
-new players who don’t know the story and background of stickmasterluke may heckle him for impersonating an Admin
-older players who DO know the background of stickmasterluke may try to contact Roblox in regards of this.
Although this post is public doesn’t explain the full reason for so and still leads to confusion.
Another reason is that stickmasterluke is still in the Roblox Admins group (and do not remove him…). Given the fact that the Roblox Admin badge got removed from his profile may confuse people even more since he is in the group. And if the purpose of removing the Admin badge is to prevent people from playing his games due to the fact that he is an Admin is completely silly and absurd. Here are some examples why:
-Like I said, he is still in the group. This means that people may get confused as to whether or not he is an Admin or impersonator.
-People look at a person’s groups more than they do looking at Roblox badges (this is getting data from experience and asking friends).
-If stickmasterluke were to go into a game given the fact that he has the yellow chat color and admin icon on playerlist, people would be more incited to go to his profile in the first place than if they wandered onto his profile given the chance they wouldn’t even find the badge in the first place.
Thirdly, most players play games they find on the Games page, through ads/sponsors, links, tweets, etc. I’ve personally have never played a Roblox Admin’s game solely based on the fact that they are an Admin, but instead because the games looked cool or I have already played the game through other means. Most players don’t go to the Admins group or to the Roblox twitter and find all the Admins they can in order to play their games and contribute R$ to the Admin. I’ve never seen this. But, given there is a CHANCE it may happen, this number is most likely low. However, I do agree with what @FearMeIAmLag said in the DevForums Discord server:
“not gonna lie, if I was like 10 I’d play an admin’s game just because it was an admin game and I wanted to meet them and thought I had a chance in their own game”
But, like I said, this number is probably low and does not compare to the millions of Roblox players. Plus, most players like that barely have any Robux in the first place to contribute (not being rude, it’s just the sad truth of being NBC
Also, saying that a Roblox Admin will receive more R$ and visits due to the fact that they are an Admin is like saying that a famous developer will receive more place visits and R$ because they were in an event. That’s just how it is. Getting your name out there is a challenge, and stickmasterluke most likely got his name out there in more ways than JUST being an Admin (for instance, he made a development tutorial a while back on the Roblox YouTube channel). Also, Badimo receives so many visits and R$ not because they are famous developers (they were somewhat lesser-known than before Jailbreak) but because their game is good (in a development standpoint and according to the playerbase). Therefore, players most likely play stickmasterluke’s Disaster Survival because they like the game, not because he is a Roblox Admin.
All-in-all, this decision is stupid and should not be a policy. I am not suggesting alternatives, and if Luke is fine with the decision, then so be it. But, I find it best to use one account for everything as that one account will have all the person’s legacy items (Limited, Egg Hunt eggs, Place Visits, etc.) and an Admin should not be punished just because they want to be a developer along with them working at Roblox.
Note: While I mentioned the Roblox Admin group, I am not suggesting kicking him out. Instead, I am suggesting to revert the decision of removing the Roblox Admin badge. I decided to make this note because some people may get confused.
TL;DR I strongly hate the idea and the policy should not be in place.