Introducing 2-step verification with a second device

So what would happen if we dont have a second device? Are we just :neutral_face: or do we contact support and ̶g̶e̶t̶ ̶n̶o̶ ̶h̶e̶l̶p̶ ̶a̶t̶ ̶a̶l̶l̶ wait until we get a response?

Other than that concern I’m really happy. Better account security is something we needed the most and yall delivered.


How, or how does Roblox detect when a suspicious Login attempt(s) is made on your account. What is accounted for when deciding whether it was a suspicious Login attempt that was made or not?


They might detect a suspicious login by the location of the device being different from yours.


I’ll have to send the following post again to make sure that @poggodoggodude sees it:

What if I choose to not explicitly enable twenty-two-step authentication because it’s so inconvenient?

I want there to be an option to enforce exactly one step at all times (at the risk of my account’s safety.

Please refer here for additional context:


pretty nice! just a question, is this going to be used on VR? this seems like a better solution than trying to retype the code symbol-by-symbol.


If you don’t like doing things the hard way with discord, they provide a convenient easy way (the mobile app). You may not appreciate the security, but it also helps protect everybody you interact with that might click a link from you, and everybody they interact with, etc.

Roblox is a little different since it’s likely harder to pivot through accounts with all the filtering of things like links, but the general idea holds that security protects more than your individual account.


I’ll have to send the following post a third time to make sure that @poggodoggodude sees it:

What if I choose to not explicitly enable two-step authentication because it’s so inconvenient?

I want there to be an option to enforce exactly one step at all times (at the risk of my account’s safety.

Please refer here for additional context: