Introducing Announcements for Roblox Groups

Notice how they didn’t use rthro and instead used NON rthro builderman


It really does not defeat the purpose. It’s a quick sign-up, and an even quicker “create server and send announcement”, they actually have the flow for this quite quick and polished.

My other question was not directed at you.


A lot more use Guilded, I am in a lot of Guilded servers for Roblox Developers only and you would be surprised at how many devs use Guilded, not only do developers use it but a lot of normal users use it too!


Best new feature in a while, especially in regards to to getting eyes on new UGC releases, a growing issue


Which is why it’s critical for Roblox to make some kind of movement.
Also, that < 1% is factually incorrect. Guilded has over 1M+ downloads on just the Play Store, and you can bet nearly all of them are Roblox players. Lmao.


Terrible update, forcing users to sign up to Guilded is just wrong.
Roblox should be encouraging more ways utilize this feature like via open cloud, not sure where guilded got dragged into this but it needs to be kept away.

Roblox is its own community, its own forum and its own website, the primary focus should be ON ROBLOX, and then branching out into third party integration.

Will NOT be getting Guilded and will NOT be using this feature. :frowning:


but nobody wants to sign up for guilded

ik, just adding onto it

i made up the <1% lol
still a small percentage though, discord is the main place for the roblox community


Would be better if it were on Roblox as everybody else is saying. Even if you keep it guilded exclusive (:unamused:) then at the bare minimum remove the huge “join the guilded” banner. It’s just visual clutter considering a total of zero studios use Guilded as a central server for communications.



Honestly, I love this feature! Really nothing to complain about. I know some people are upset that this feature is using Guilded, which I can understand. But it’s really not that big of an issue. It’s really damn easy to create a Guilded account with your Roblox account.


  • I would love if I was able to schedule announcements. That would really improve my User Experience.

  • I love now that I don’t have to use a plugin just to get notified when someone creates an announcement. (Still have to use it with groups that still use the Group Shout feature)


Are links meant to not to be clickable? I included a roblox link in my announcement and I expected it to be clickable.

Outside of that, there seems to be some issues with aspect ratios on images being cropped (in my case, a square image not fully displaying) – is there a recommended size to ensure there is no cropping?


I like this update a lot. A very welcome change.

Question, will the positioning of various Roblox group widgets be changed in the near future? With this Guilded integration, the members list, group experiences, and group wall are so far down it’s a pain to navigate to them. I expect this will cause a churn in group wall + experience activity.


This is really cool, although I am slightly concerned that images might bypass the filter. With this, I have also noticed that the announcements are shown to <13, was this intentional?

EDIT: After a few edits I managed to get this. Really like this change:


I want to understand why some people hate Guilded so much.

I would understand if developers have a large Discord group, they wouldn’t really be that happy with not having support for Discord, but still it’s better then nothing :person_shrugging:

Is it literally just the fact that Discord has more users? Or is it a UX issue?


This is cool and all, but how am I supposed to know why my announcement was not approved? There’s nothing inappropriate, and they do not inform me what I did wrong. I would love to be able to use this feature.

Even removing all of the text results in a moderation.

Using a different image, same moderation reason. But there IS no reason! What are the guidelines? What guideline in specific?

These images were higher quality, and I think that may have been the reason it did not “meet the guidelines.” Lowering the resolution allowed it to post. This seems like a bug.


I really like this update, this seems really cool on paper, yet I have many problems with this. One major factor is how much people actually use Guilded. Yes, we understand Roblox purchased Guilded but I have yet to see anyone actually use it because we never really have a point to use it when there are options we have been using for years now like discord.

I would like to see somehow Guilded and Discord merge to see these features apply to discord, this would help benefits Roblox creators in a way most if not all users are used to. That would really be a good feature to add to the Roblox platform.


This issue is actually nothing. Guilded is incredibly easy to use and has far more features for free. But here’s the thing: Roblox players are stubborn. They don’t understand anything that could be better, they only reiterate what they’re told and stick to it.


I agree with you, but I think this is a step in the right direction to bring more Guilded ressources to Roblox


not the right direction for groups to be heading in. do not force guilded.


Would have preferred an overhaul of the existing shouts (long form, markdown, notification support, images) instead of what feels like a forced integration.

Nevertheless, I am happy that improvements are finally happening to groups.


Fully agreed, horrible way to force people to use a separate third party service just to utilise a feature of the platform.