Introducing Announcements for Roblox Groups

could not agree more. would have been great to have different shout options like markdown and long form.


Please don’t.

Managing a community takes a lot of time if you care about it, which I do. I’d love to have a server, but moderation would be a must. I don’t have the means to pay people either, and I don’t want that work to be unpaid. In short, doing that would create a headache for people, else a bad environment. AutoMod bots aren’t the solution imo.


Nice april fools joke, I really hate this update. Features shouldn’t require Guilded, especially when majority of users are <13 and may want to use this.


That is such a terrible take. That would only further force people to use a platform they may not want or may not be able to use. It takes a significant amount of effort and risk to completely change the platform your community platform uses, as well as the issue that comes with using multiple platforms for a community or for communicating with friends and teammates.

“W guilded”? …Yeah not with all of the early internet security mistakes it has still yet to fix (afaik).


Yeah, I was knew that there where a lot of free features that people would generally have to pay for on Discord.

Just weird how some people just absolutely hate Guilded to their core…


This is a nice feature, and I love this. I’m glad there’s moderation over pictures, however, one thing that bothers me, is apparently I need to create a community for each group I own? I tried linking multiple groups of mine to the same community and now the announcements seem not to work anymore. They’re all frozen.

group 1:

group 2:

last announcement:

The announcement seems to be stuck in review. Not sure if this is intentional or a bug, but would be nice to see this fixed :slight_smile:

Another thing I would love seeing, is a similar thing for different platforms in the future.


Oh epic, can we get features like this for other platforms as well though?

I don’t have Guilded and I don’t plan to get it either.
Having options to use this feature with other platforms or even just on the website itself would be a very nice addition.


If developers need the extra push to move to guilded, I’m all for it. Discord is awful and I’d rather be rid of it as soon as possible. Having guilded be the primary platform means Roblox can ensure safety off platform, unlike discord which fails to cooperate with anything.


This is a great update, and it finally gives us something better than group shouts.

For the people saying they don’t want to use Guilded, that seems to be a you problem. You can easily make a Guilded account with your Roblox account (through OAuth), so you don’t need any additional passwords or hassle.

I understand that Discord may be more popular, but Guilded is probably the way to go for Roblox and I’m all for it.


The post on the website is very different than the original message.


The filter probably acting up and think he’s naked lmao. Maybe try a different different image?


imo its because:

  • discord has more users / is already extremely popular within the roblox community
  • discord is more user friendly [asside from the mobile update lol] / is visually appealing
  • guilded is pretty much an exact copy of discord

everyone already uses discord, its the main place for everything (roblox & everything outside of roblox). it’s just a waste of time and resources to bother messing with guilded :man_shrugging:
(Nobody goes around asking “Hey, you got guilded?” “What’s your guilded?” | Everyone asks “Hey, you got discord?” or “Add me on discord!”)

Could also be because roblox is trying to force it upon community-
they bought guilded in 2021, and ever since its been small features like “Hey we introduced this cool thing! Join guilded to use it!” (They wouldve been better off not buying guilded - do they even make money from it??)

very few will actually use this update


Hey roblox bought guilded for alot of money so its only fair they force all users to use guilded over discord (i love corporatism)


Could we get Guilded parity with events next (e.g.

Being able to send one announcement (or set up one event) and have it replicate to two different areas is such a time save.


I love how everyone is just hating on Guilded like it’s somehow worse than discord when discord forces you to pay money just to be able to send videos longer than a few seconds… i’ll let that sink in…


Good call-out on the URLs. We allow Roblox links to be seen on Announcements, but we’ll see what we can do to making them clickable.
With regards to image cropping and scaling: Any wide image will be scaled to fit the frame, based on the device you’re using. Images taller than 360 pixels may be cropped if they are a taller ratio. Again, this depends on the device. Generally, 2:1 images should be uncropped on all devices.
We’re open to feedback on this, though. So please don’t hesitate to share your opinions on how to best serve here.


Roblox just needs to come to terms with the fact that Discord is always going to be the kingpin of gaming communities.

Its unethical and unorthodox for a company as big as Roblox to force users (especially users below 13 years old) to use a 3rd party app that they bought just to access Roblox features.

If Roblox actually wants to increase group engagement, they will focus on on their primary site integration as a first and then third party integration last, but clearly that isn’t a priority for them.

This is a huge let down for all of us, and it isn’t about preferring discord to guilded, it’s about being forced to choose one or the other which is just going to force people to use discord in the end.


not really a force

you can upload free up to 25MB | if your video is higher you can upload it to yt, google drive, another video sharing site, compress the video to 25MB, stream it in a voice channel, or split it up into multiple vids


Awesome update, love to see the integrations you guys make with Guilded!


The Roblox Corporation bought the Guilded platform back in 2021 for tens of millions of dollars (around $90M iirc) and is now trying to pull users away from Discord onto the Guilded platform (primarily Roblox groups but also generally just gaming centric communities as well.)

I don’t see any restriction that would prevent Roblox from adding such a feature for Discord announcements unless Discord is playing hard ball with them (which I don’t suspect to be the case since you’ll soon be able to link a Roblox account to your Discord account according to leaks by data miners)