Introducing Bluff_006!

In Germany we say: “Willkommen das du beigetreten bist, dass ist echt papatastisch, es wird sicherlich für dich spaß machen.”
English Translation of the german on: “Welcome for joining this is really papatastisch it will be fun for you.”
“Papatastisch” means: beautiful or fantastic. “Papatastisch” means something extraordinary or awesome.


Nice to meet you! Looking forwards to working with you in the future!!!

Are you open to questions about Roblox’s engine?

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Welcome to the DevForum!

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Welcome to the dev forum. Hope you enjoy your stay.


Your identity has been unsneaked.



Hope you enjoy your stay here.

What is your favourite food, and why?

Welcome to the community!

Out of all the many movies you’ve seen, which one is your favorite?

Welcome to Roblox, where chaos happens and stuff goes down

These are off Roblox, but Portal 2 and Celeste are my two top games that I like to recommend to people. Or, you could also play my game if you’re interested :wink: (was that plug subtle enough?)

Besides that, glad to have you here on the site! Your hat is very cool, and really helps you stay undercover! Good luck on Roblox, on this platform you’re going to need it :wink:


What is your favourite video game

Mine is Super Smash Bros Ultimate

Hi, welcome to Roblox! Glad to see new folks on the devrel team, as always :slight_smile:

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“Hi” :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
And welcome to our club >:)

Welcome to the DevForum club!

Also, when did you join Roblox and what was the best year?

Welcome to the club. Glad to have you with us. :slight_smile: Is there going to be any way for roblox to have custom shaders without the use of external software?

Hello, welcome to the Forum!

Have fun on the Forums and good luck out there, don’t let yourself get caught!

Who’s your favorite spy though?

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Welcome to the DevForum!

My (totally real) legal team told me I must showcase this video

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Welcome to the Roblox Devforum! Hope you have a great time here.

Welcome to the devforum! How’s your day?

I’m glad we have an advocate and excited to see your contributions to Roblox!

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First of all, welcome to Developer Relations. The work you do really interests me. I think we will get along well. :tada:

You’re very crazy :flushed:

Yes, your avatar is really good. But it seems like your suit could have been better. I too was amazed by the taste of your loved games and movies. :camera_flash: :heart:

Certainly! I can’t wait to be able to contact you. :email:

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Wow n eg

Wow nice and congrats on finally joining the team as Roblox staff!


Welcome aboard, Bluff.

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