Introducing Builder Font + Deprecating Gotham and Arial

completely disagree with this, every gui i have worked on uses the Gotham font, and you would rather replace Arial and Gotham for a font that looks like SourceSans imo

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So far, the following needs to be done in order for the Builder Font Family to be released on Roblox.

  • Gotham and Arial to be Deprecated and replaced by Montserrat and Arimo.
  • Builder Sans to become the default font font for UI Text objects for Roblox Studio.

What else am I missing?

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Fira Mono is licensed under the OFL so it will most likely stay.

but i noticed in the creator documentation it’s no longer there it’s now a mix of the system’s code font or Builder Mono.

Love the new fonts and options but as someone who used Gotham I’m honestly kind of sad even if its a small change

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Well, Gotham is gone now, but why is Montserrat so tiny?


For reference, here’s how it looked before:


TextChatService now looks awful in any place made before May 2024. This is not a solid drop-in replacement without any correlated property changes.

You can’t realistically expect everyone to manually update TextChatService in all of their places, so the chat is just going to look awful in a large amount of games now.

It’d be nice if the automatic Gotham-to-Montserrat conversion could also automatically tune some related text properties so that there wouldn’t be such a drastic change in appearance.

For anyone who’s interested, these are the new TextChatService property defaults:

ChatWindowConfiguration.FontFace: Gotham Medium > Builder Sans Medium
ChatWindowConfiguration.TextSize: 14 > 18

ChatInputBarConfiguration.FontFace: Gotham Medium > Builder Sans Medium
ChatInputBarConfiguration.TextSize: 14 > 18

BubbleChatConfiguration.FontFace: Gotham Medium > Builder Sans Medium
BubbleChatConfiguration.TextSize: 16 > 20


Remind me what the point of this was again? Not the new font, I like that, but removing two very commonly used fonts? It makes no sense to me.


It’s official, Roblox killed Gotham

Fly high Arial & Gotham :dove: :headstone:


As a font nerd, I love the prospect of new fonts on Roblox, but the fact you can’t use it in thumbnails is absolutely ludicrous.

What intern greenlit this? It completely defeats the point of using the font at all in games because it’ll just worry developers.


Roblox literally says you can, who told you that you can’t?

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we can see it in practice now, and to be honest, its not even a massive difference. i also do ui design and yes, i agree that the width and the height do cause a problem, but in terms of visual looks, it seems fine to me. i think everyone just overreacting a little bit

“Builder can be used off the Roblox platform for digital promotions of your creations incorporating that User Generated Content.” Umm… it can be used for anything long as its advertising your content from Roblox and you aren’t false advertising.

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Montserrat is horrible.

This has literally ruined like 25+ of my game files that use Gotham ssm and it will probably take me a few days to convert to a half decent font. Roblox really just loves to screw over their developers :slight_smile:


My bad, that wasn’t the case when it was first announced. Glad they addressed the complaint.

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Thanks for letting me know. When this released, the license didn’t include such purposes.


The new font looks awful in my UI. It forcefully converted everything to Montserrat, and the boldness was converted incorrectly, making everything one level thinner than it should be :-1:


Okay, cool font, but WHY remove gotham and arial? The most used fonts from developers!


Arial was a classic, that is just absurd to remove it! Classic games that are centred about Arial or ones that have Arial (Old) in them will be changed badly!


the new montserrat font is just disgusting . get gotham back or a better replacement. your own font is awful and montserrat is like the name says a rat in disguise


Gotham was my go-to font for almost everything. Montserrat is fine, I like it, but why remove Gotham? Just why? I was so confused when I typed ‘G’ on the font selector and couldn’t find it.