Introducing Builder Font + Deprecating Gotham and Arial

how sure about that are you?

Fonts are not cheap. For example, a licence for web-only use of Gotham on sites that get 1M page views a month is already $700+, which might be nothing at Roblox scale, but when you consider Roblox has 66.2 million daily active users (and that was a year ago, likely much highter now), each of those visiting many pages, on not just web, they’re using mobile, in game, etc etc. It’s probably a substantial amount of money for something that isn’t really that impactful. The majority of users will never care the difference between their system font and Inter, their Gothams from their Montsserat, so why pay for it?


This is a good case to add text tracking as a property to remedy that issue. Get on that, Roblox!

Finally someone who actually knows the facts and doesn’t just think Roblox has infinite money


But, I love Gotham… :slightly_frowning_face:

Why remove things you don’t need to remove?


You agree to not use or distribute the font for any other purpose whatsoever unless permitted by the Roblox Corporation in writing.

Where/who would we go to if we wanted to get permission to use the new font on external services?


After a certain point, they will switch to rendering the replacement font instead. Then after that, the “legacy name”/alias mechanism will be used to rename them to Montserrat. It will work like this:

-- Script editor displays a warning squiggle,
-- suggests you write Enum.Font.Montserrat instead.
label.Font = Enum.Font.Gotham
print(label.Font) --> Montserrat
print(label.Font == Enum.Font.Gotham) --> true
print(label.Font == Enum.Font.Montserrat) --> true
print(Enum.Font.Gotham.Value == Enum.Font.Montserrat.Value) --> true

print(Enum.Font.GothamBold.Name) --> MontserratBold
print(Enum.Font.MontserratBold.Name) --> MontserratBold

“Infinite money” Roblox surely have enough to pay a font license

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Looks like Arial has hinting (stems etc. are aligned to the pixel grid), but Arimo does not. Feels much greasier on my old reliable laptop screen. I can get used to this.

Is there any way to use Explorer’s filter to find FontFace? It worked fine for finding Font=Arial, but it can’t find FontFace.

They probably do, but we can’t just assume Roblox can make any change/improvements they want just because they have enough money to do so. Font licenses can be extremely expensive, and Roblox might not want to pay for the license anymore


What’s the point in removing Arial and Gotham? I don’t see any good reason for removing them since they’re both perfectly good fonts (especially Gotham). I personally use Gotham heavily in all of my projects and have designed UI around it.


Not pleased but thank you for the heads up. Feels silly to announce a font though, this could’ve just been “Hey PSA we are deprecating and removing Arial and Gotham” with something about Builder at the bottom of the thread.

please don’t remove gotham :frowning:


Coolish font, I guess? It looks bland, and I don’t understand why we can’t use this anywhere else. And I also don’t understand why you need to remove two fonts that I use a lot. This update doesn’t really benefit anyone other than Roblox probably.


You have the terms backwards. It’s saying you can’t use the font anywhere but Roblox, not that you MUST use it.

also why takin arial and gotham away, whywhy


the previous logo, which was introduced in 2017 and updated to be monochrome in 2018, uses gill sans, the current logo uses Gotham though


It using gotham font now

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Sad they’ll change logos each approximately 1 year.


Using Gotham and Arial in scripts for example through Enum.Font will automatically refer to replacement fonts? And what is the reason for this decision? These fonts are quite popular and there is still a difference between them and similar ones. Gotham and Arial are bolder and simply changing them to others will make a big difference.

Update: I saw the answer to the question about Enum. However, the question is open - why remove them?

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How does this Builder Font License apply to on-platform content that’s re-shared off-platform? For example, an experience’s thumbnail or screenshots/video from an experience containing said font.

I’m assuming that this only applies for newly created content, but what about when an experiment’s thumbnail is shared of social media for the purposes of advertising? Should this font only be used in-experience? If this isn’t allowed, I don’t feel that it’s a good idea to allow developers to use it in their experiences in the first place.