Introducing Bulk Audio Importing in Studio!

Well that’s great and all but for god’s sake most us don’t have 32 thousand robux to throw away left and right on audio…


WHY is this taking priority over creating a tool to let developers use local assets in studio? Why should I have to pay potentially thousands of Robux before I can even start working with custom audio in my game?


I thought Audio finally didn’t cost to upload and I got too excited.

This is welcomed but still…
If you plan on making audio with prices set on it, I still somehow need a way to get free sound design.


I’ve actually wanted this for a while and am glad it’s official now. Could the price for short audios maybe be lowered so I can upload the Tommy Tallarico sounds easier?

-yes i bought them-


Great update!
I do have a question though (a bit unrelated), will badges be added to Asset Manager any time soon?

I’m a little confused as why sounds cost money in the first place. Anything less than ~5-10 seconds should be free because its a sound effect. Sound is such an important part of game development. Music (2-7) should cost money because it is not “necessary” and provides a pleasant background and atmosphere to your game.

Maybe this free <10 second perk is only available to devforum members to lessen spam and ensure that this feature is used correctly.

A lot of things that are considered necessary in other game-developing communities are locked behind a paywall at Roblox. I suppose it will always be like this, but at least open some of your tools without having to pay money for Robux (like you did with allowing any player to join 100 groups).

A note about uploading multiple 10 second clips to make music: Can’t you already do this with the new video beta? Upload hundreds of images with a bot to make a video?

My time might honestly be better spent learning Unity or Unreal. That way I only have to pay if my game is a huge hit (which it will probably never be).


I keep running into this issue, is there a fix or something?
It keeps showing that every time I try again minutes later.


Very much so needed, thanks for your continued efforts and hard work. I hate uploading audios one-by-one!

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Very epic. Now I just need a way to do bulk animation exports :ok_hand:


This is in my opinion is a truly good feature for those who need to upload a lot of sounds and audio files to their games and so forth, makes it a lot easier than to manually upload one by one. Progression and more progression, very nice!

This feature is really useful in importing audio to your game, but is there any way for those who wanted to import audio files with no cost of robux, just asking?

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Why would some users have to pay robux to upload audio, and some not?


Obviously, there are a lot of beginner developers who wanted to make games in Roblox, and some wanted to add some background musib to make their game game/showcase come alive

Nice! this will be a nice addition to games

I’m glad this addition was added to make adding multiple audio files easier, however I will never use it almost 95% of my time, as spending Robux for audio has significantly staggered development and is a massive blockade for creating on this platform.

I’ve been having issues getting this to work in the first place. I recently have gotten into sound design and implementing sounds into my development. I have not gotten a single audio file to successfully import using the Bulk import feature. These are sounds that do in fact respect the requirements, as they are accepted through the Develop page when manually uploading them.

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