The plugin name might be misleading. This plugin does NOT generate color palettes for you but it helps you use them!
With this plugin, you can create and save palettes with custom colors and then link them to UI objects’ properties.
Linking a palette color to an object’s property allows you to change the color from the palette which changes all-objects-linked-to-it’s colors.
And this is basically the whole appeal of the plugin. Letting you test multiple colors without the pain of having to set every property for every object.
Messing with the folder that stores the links (in server storage) will result in varying issues and errors so please don’t do that. If you happened to do that unintentionally just turn the plugin off then on again from the plugins menu. This should fix most issues.
I worked hard on this so please consider some minor donation at this place
No, Actually I tried automatic size but it was inconsistent and faulty for no apparent reason so I had to make a custom. If the plugin errors for him then script execution halts which means that everything that comes after the cause of the error is not executed and one of those things could be the auto-resize function.
Now multiple users can use the plugin in the same place without interfering with each other’s palettes. Attempting to make a link on a property that already has a link but from another user’s palettes will overwrite their link. You are always notified in the output if that happens!