Introducing Connect 2022!

It’s starting really soon, I’m really excited!

Hey @Game-Jammers,

The Connect Challenge is live!

Remember, you and your team have 48 hours to create your experience and the video pitch! Submissions sent after the deadline will be disqualified.

Good luck, everyone! Have fun!


Good luck everyone who is joining! :slight_smile:


when is the next individual game jam?
and where can i see the submissions?

where do we submit?

Hello! You can submit it using the form that Gu4rana mentioned


A very creative theme indeed (!) Please tell me what you can do with it! :face_with_monocle:

Here is the submission form: :arrow_heading_down:

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Hey everyone

This is a reminder that you need to finish developing your experience by 4:59 PM PDT!

After hearing your feedback, we would like to give you one extra hour to fill out the survey. This means that you must submit your project no later than 5:59 PM PDT.

Submission form:


hi, can the video be more than 120 seconds (ours is like 3:30) ?

Hey there! We will consider the first 120 seconds

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Hey, everyone

There’s about one hour left! Please, use this time to fill out the survey and make sure everything is working as intended. Submissions after 5:59 PM PDT will not be considered.



And that’s a wrap! Congratulations to everyone who participated.

Stay tuned to this thread for the community voting phase!


Honestly, thank you for that extra time, allowed our team to fixed some minor bugs.

Anyways, good luck to all the participants!

Also is the deadline for the project same for video? Can I submit now
Thank you

Yes! You missed the deadline it was yesterday.

Oooooh, woah, I forgot to submit ;( I worked soo hard


(@Gu4rana & @bri9adeiro) As the time to submit our survey and continue developing our experiences for the jam ended, when the topic regarding the community voting phase is going to be released?

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When will the winners be announced? Also, will it be a community vote, or will the DevRel team be the judge?

Hey there!
The community vote will start on August 4th and the winners will be announced on August 8th