Introducing Experience Notifications

If it can than that wouldn’t be good.

It’s unlikely that Roblox would intentionally use the Notification Stream to redirect users to a game where they have been banned. Redirecting users to a banned game could potentially create confusion and frustration among users, leading to a negative experience and undermining the platform’s reputation.

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why is it max limit of 1 notification EVERY 3 DAYS like that’s like so short change it to 1 notification every like 12 hours or something OR the player can change the cooldown for the notifications.


Hi there! Thanks for your questions. Yes, there will be a way for users to report these notifications directly from the notification itself. The platform-wide text filter will also apply.


Thanks for your question. You will be able to define launch data to customize the user’s join location from the notification, which should support this use case!

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Will devs get an error if the notification is blocked by the filter, or will the user just get a notification that says ##################, because the latter would be terrible UX.


I can’t help but notice that there’s no screenshots of actual push notifications being sent/received. Is that just me over-analyzing or are these notifications just in-app…?

Also the rate limits do seem quite harsh, but I’m glad to see that you might be open to adjusting them in the future.

EDIT: upon re-reading some sections, it does appear that these are indeed solely displayed in the Roblox app. A little underwhelming, but at least it’s a step in the right direction!

I’d much rather at the least they start off as in-app only. At the least we can see how chaotic they are and how people use, and abuse, them.
Perhaps there’s room for expansion into app notifications later, but its worth remembering Roblox don’t want users to end up disabling all roblox notifications due to a few annoying dev ones, so likely don’t want to do app notifications from devs.

finally mobile game notifications for roblox

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I strongly believe that the current notification limit poses a significant hindrance to effective communication. Increasing the limit to at least 3 per day would greatly enhance our ability to engage with our community. While I appreciate the effort to prevent spamming, it’s important not to restrict legitimate use cases. Moreover, users have the option to disable specific game notifications, mitigating any potential concerns about overwhelming users. Considering these notifications are only accessible to users over 13, it’s reasonable to assume they possess the necessary competence to manage their notifications effectively.


Fantastic and useful update, so long as it will be 100% opt-in at all times.


Is this a mobile only feature, or does it support other devices as well?

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How will the platform ensure that the reported notifications are reviewed promptly and effectively to address any potential issues or violations of the TOS?

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I know most users are 12 years old, but it’s an ‘online game’ and most of them are 13+, similar to social media. Also, Roblox used to be 13+ a lot in the past I think (I’m not that veteran).


Pretty good concept, even if most devs are worrying about the ‘1 notification per 3 days’ rule’. My question is that if the notificatons will also appear to Console and PC users. Will they? (even if PC notifications are (very) annoying). :+1:

(if yes please make pc and mobile/console notifications individually disableable)
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Only works if you follow the game for now


Hey everyone!

We’re excited to share that both the Lua and OpenCloud APIs are live! You can now configure and test your notifications. Please note that notifications will begin to be delivered to users starting in March.

Thank you for the thoughtful feedback you’ve provided so far. We’re taking it into account as we plan next steps.


The notification will not be delivered the user and developers will receive error feedback, avoiding the latter scenario.


Is there any chance we could see usernames permitted to be in notifications in the near future?

My use-case is a gifting feature where users can gift their friends items while they are offline so that their friends see the in-experience gift when they join. Ideally, I’d want to mention the friend’s username as a player may have a stronger connection to a certain friend and therefore care about the gift more yet the current documentation restricts this, requiring me to be vague to users.


There’s a chance Roblox might allow usernames in notifications later on, but there’s no set plan for it yet.

While mentioning usernames in notifications isn’t allowed right now, you can still make the gifting experience special by focusing on the gift itself and adding personal touches like custom messages or animations.