Introducing Experience Notifications

nvm its just a boring, small and kinda annoying update (i think)


You can say no to specific notifs if you donā€™t like them.

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how do you actually push a notification after creating the notification string, is it from ingame, or is it from off-site?

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Question; All of the material shown has been experience notifications on mobile devices. Is this feature that can expect to be implemented on desktop sometime in the near future (specifically the push notifications)?

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No tangible argument can be made that the inclusion of pupils under 13 in the Experience Notifications system would go against the Childrenā€™s Online Privacy Protection Act as outlined in 15 U.S.C. Ā§Ā§ 6501ā€“6506. As the Act would suggest, it applies to online collection of personal information by persons or entities under U.S. jurisdiction about children under 13 years of age, including children outside of the U.S. if the website or service is U.S.-based.

There is nothing to suggest that the current implementation of Experience Notifications would involve or require the collection of personal information of the user to function, as all it requires is a user to opt-in to receiving notifications for a particular experience (which is not legally considered as personal information). An an argument could be made that Roblox could additionally show ads to users under 13 as long as theyā€™re not using personal information to dictate what ads appear.

TDLR: The argument that COPPA would have any involvement is moot.


Exactly! ā€œPlease join Please Please Pleaseā€ will be spammed by cheap obbies also

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Itā€™s uhhā€¦ not the worst update? Itā€™s certainly a win for the smaller game studios, and they can gain more traction by sending out notifications, But I also think larger games can spam this if the person doesnā€™t know and clicks the bell button. This update isnā€™t perfect, but itā€™s a start.

You will be able to determine which moments are most important to notify your users about and set up triggers for when these moments occur.

Hoping that the API allows for deferred and renewable notification streams. Say a user spins the wheel and I want to send a notification a day later to notify them, it would be useful to be able to specify certain notification stream where I can set a time delta of one day until that notification is sent. If the user joins the experience prior to the notification being sent and the wheel is spun, the notification stream could be once again deferred by a day with no worry that the notification will be sent prior to the prize wheel being renewed. This would make it far easier for developers like myself who arenā€™t super interested in setting up their own cloud solutions to send scheduled notifications that are not triggered by in experience events. Now, the approach to have ā€œstreamsā€ is perhaps not the best solution as I can see something like ā€œsoftā€ notifications (that operate on the same time delta principal) but are discarded upon the user joining the experience if they have not yet been sent could also allow for similar flexibility. Assuming that the ā€œtriggersā€ mentioned do not allow for these sort of deferred messages, I do see a way that master servers and descending (time based) ordered Datastores could be used to keep track of upcoming notification times for a given user but I worry about the scalability of a patchy solution like this (that I wonā€™t entirely dismiss, I like to stretch Roblox to its limits with use the in experience cross server APIā€™s in unique ways).

There will be a max limit of 1 notification every 3 days per user , which is the same as Experience Update notifications today.

Additionally, given the feature is opt-in I would like to see the above limit decreased to give developers more flexibility. @standalone_ecu made a great suggestion to make the limit change dynamically based on the users activity in game. Perhaps the amount of notifications being sent to a user can be throttled if they arenā€™t as active in game. In this scenario a ā€œhigh priorityā€ and ā€œlow priorityā€ enum could help decide which messages will be sent and which will be dropped.

Overall very excited for this feature and to see how developers choose to use it. With above considerations I can see this notification being extremely useful way to interact with your fanbase though Iā€™m certain any solution Iā€™ve mentioned above could be done much more elegantly if found to be necessary. Of course the obvious solution is just to suck it up and set up your own server to dispatch notifications but perhaps something like this could also be feasible.


Hey again, weā€™re back with another update!

Users can now turn on notifications for your experience via the new Notifications button, previously the Follow button, on your experienceā€™s main page. We have improved the naming and position for clarity and increased discoverability.

Existing followers of your experience will be retained and will still receive Experience Updates. 13+ followers will now also be eligible to receive personalized Experience Notifications. 13+ users can comprehensively manage all the experiences they have turned on notifications for in the redesigned Notifications Preferences page in Settings.

Notifications will begin to be delivered to users in March. Until then, you can configure and test your notifications using the Lua and OpenCloud APIs in preparation for the user-facing launch.

Thank you!


Bit confused on how this works. There is a Lua package where we can send notifications from the server. The only problem with this is that I donā€™t see how that would work with notifying players about certain parameters being met unless they are in the game already.

Do we have to set up our own server to go through the entire database of player data just to check if certain players should receive notifications? The documentation does not help explain how this works at all.


Very nice to have a page to keep track of all this! Did notice that this new page doesnā€™t link directly to the experiences Iā€™ve enabled notifications for. If Iā€™m deciding which experiences Iā€™d want to keep updated on, being able to revisit them even if I hadnā€™t gotten a notification in awhile is pretty important! Any chance this could be added?


Not sure if Iā€™m doing this wrong, but Iā€™m getting error code 400 ā€œINVALID ARGUMENTā€ when sending a notification;

However, type is right here;


Is there or will there be any way to see how many users are following a game?

Why is this enabled by default? Why isnā€™t there a single button solution to disable experience notifications for all experiences?

There were games in my experience notification page which I havenā€™t played in over 6 years, so why am I in the notification stream for them? I donā€™t follow these games or have notifications turned on. This seems like a large oversight.

It doesnā€™t seen very opt-in.

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Ok it should work soon

Hereā€™s what I think push notifications for it would look like:


Also. How do I send notifications to users like myself?


2024-02-17 (3)

finally got the update! i hope itā€™s better than the current follow system

hereā€™s what it could look like. App title at the top, experience/game title at the middle & the actual update at the bottom

Note the placeholder icon, it will be the experience/gameā€™s thumbnail & the small Roblox logo in the bottom right.


How did you add the bottom part of the notification?

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thereā€™s a built-in iOS app that you can create actions, including notifications

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I know but how did you get the bottom part of the title

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You 100% follow the games in that list - (I checked mine to confirm this)ā€¦ Feel free to unfollow the games to get rid of them from that list :skull:, or just turn off their experience notifications through settings. This isnā€™t opt-out, you already opted into notifications when you chose to follow a game. The follow feature used to let developers only send short update messages about their games, but now hard working people at Roblox are making improvements to the follow flow to allow personalized notifications. If you werenā€™t interested in getting updates from a game, why would you follow the game in the first place?? :thinking:

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