Introducing "Hot Right Now" on Charts

Hand picked just for investors- I mean players! Favorited games being at top page instead of bottom was delayed for a uhh great reason! :grin::tada:


Brother, the first thing we want is (searchable) Genres. :slugclose:


This is not hot Roblox

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what if there was like
a better up and coming tab

these games are already up

can we promote even smaller games than this? dead rails has 200k ccu is ALREADY up?
i get its big booms in games, but i dont really think 200k ccu is “up and coming”, i get its new, but its already up :sob:

A-888 is the only game that SHOULD be there (also maybe that tycoon)


In my opinion if the team behind this wants to make a big difference, we really need something like a new version of user ads or a new feature to help encourage returning to recently played games, especially if it is curated by the game developers themselves. There’s only so much that can be done by adding new lines of thumbnails to the wall of games on the home page.

There could also be more done to highlight lesser known games, such as giving a small amount of advertisement credits for keeping active user counts above certain thresholds or adding an ability to customize what genres you have show up on your home page. Having a section called “recently updated” that shows only games from your favorites comes to mind as one possibility to help keep games with small playercounts relevant

why are there always people like you negative under EVERY devforum announcement

Because this is a negative change that a majority of people don’t like for various reasons. Here are some of the following:

  • It bloats the games on Charts. These games are on the front page already, especially in the Most Popular section. A better solution would be a search filter that allows you to sort by CCU.

  • It’s promoted as a Discovery feature. As said before, these games are already on the front page; they’re the top of the top.

  • This is debatable but it hurts the discovery of small games.

  • Also debatable but it’s a waste of resources. Who is gonna use this?

Sure, it’s functionally different than Most Popular, but why does it matter if we’re seeing the same exact games on both?

I’m not negative on every announcement, so I assume you’re talking about Today’s Picks and the Banner? If so, just go read them and you’ll see why people dislike them. All people are mainly asking for is to have Continue and Favorites at the top, and they’ll be fine with everything else that gets added below, and the staff are blatantly ignoring the feedback.

I’ve said it before in the genre announcement and I’ll repeat myself.


It’s SHOCKING how community-created discovery features are 100% better than the billion-dollar company. This game can FULLY replace the Home AND Charts tabs except for Recently Played.


The last two announcements haven’t been the best things that could come out of Roblox team. There are other things Roblox can do to improve discovery of games.

This announcement is mostly just another chart for investors to look at.

I like the effort the Roblox team is giving but the effort is not where their weak spots are.

Roblox really needs to rethink the sorting system before adding yet another “popular games” category. We need sorts that actually highlight new and deserving games instead of cycling through the same 20 that are already making millions.

How is anyone supposed to discover fresh games when they keep pushing the same ones over and over?

For example, Blue Lock: Rivals appears SIX TIMES in the first nine rows of games on my screen. Why?

To put this into perspective: there are 54 games displayed across those 9 rows. BL:R takes up six of those spots … that’s 11.1% of the most visible section where people look for new games. Does one game really need to take up that much space?


You should add a category for games with only hundreds of players.


Ah yes… a duplicate of Most Popular for already big games while smaller ones continue to stay in the shadows… fantastic


At this point just make the discover page like the marketplace page

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Better discovery is way better. It even has comments from users who played game and I like.

For real though, this is how you find sleeper hits and hidden gems, provided you can filter out the ones who have bought bots.


What’s funny is this is just the same as the Top Trending category.

Are we replacing it or cloning it?

Pointless none the less.


Why not just add a genre filte

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According to Roblox execs, adding a genre filter will cause player counts to drop massively and cause Roblox to lose billions of dollars.

Source: Trust me bro


yes, the categories are different in what is programmed to be displayed, but they’re not different in the games that are going to end up showing in the categories. Roblox should’ve tested the category over a long period of time to see how different the category is going to look from the others.

like others have mentioned, it would be great if their were categories devoted to actually showing games that need to grow and need exposure instead of every category being the games that everyone knows about this. it’s already hard for games to get discovered via search or front page because Roblox’s algorithm demands exceeding metrics

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They don’t appear but see the hunt 2 coming soon :joy:

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Brookhaven really needed the extra players! Nice update ROBLOX!