Introducing "Hot Right Now" on Charts

really just said Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V, F2, "Hot Right Now", Return and called it an update

If you wanted to have something actually worthwhile for Charts, include a random sort section where it picks totally random places, completely random, every few minutes or so.
This would allow smaller and more nieche games to be able to stand a bit of a chance against what are basically platform giants due to their popularity effectively boosting their own popularity even more.
As it stands, this is effectively another “Popular/Trending Experiences” section.


You’re in the wrong page, it’s in the Charts page.

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You’re real funny, chucklehead.
No, they should not do this. No, this isn’t some sort of ‘until y’all learn to behave’ situation.
This ‘feature’, although more of an obstacle, serves no value when you can find most of the content in this category in any other category provided by the Charts page.


I thought games were always sorted based on the amount of people playing. I guess they’ve complicated that over the last few years and have streamlined it with its own section.

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Ah yes just what the most popular games need, even more exposure, it’s what everyone has been asking for!

How about a “hidden gems” sort that showcase amazing games with low CCU’s instead?

But that would require a real person actually investigating games for quality, rather than just letting the ‘hot right now’ and ‘most popular’ algorithms automatically promote whichever games are currently being the most botted.


No point in this new chart. Is this just Most Popular but well, more updated? I’m not sure whats up these attempts of min-maxing player counts. Resources should be spent on something more meaningful than this.

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Calling people names is against the forum rules. You should refresh yourself on the rules, since you seem to have forgotten some of them:

  • Singling out a user or group for ridicule or abuse, either publicly or privately

- Roblox Community Standards

Hope this helps!


why cant we have low player counted games pushed out there sometimes other then renaming stuff, like i understand they don’t make the most. but one chart for underground games would be phenomenal

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I completely agree, because right now the ‘up and coming’ sort is just another clone of the ‘most popular’ and ‘top trending’ and ‘hot right now’ sorts.

All the ‘up and coming’ games should be under 1k CCU’s, I could maybe even understand 5k-10k as a maximum, but having dead rails with 200k CCU’s in that list is just straight up ridiculous lol.

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Just curious, what’s your reason for siding with the update? It seems like a downgrade from all perspectives.

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I was wondering whether Roblox hit a wall with how far they could push the current engine. Because in recent years, every major update has been something other game engines implemented 10+ years ago. Using the idea that ‘we’re making sure its performance friendly’ as a shield against negative criticism. Most other updates have been tweaks or reskins of existing features.

But considering the one thing that is up to date is their monetization, I think it’s safe to say it’s just greed holding it back.

This update is just that. More games with 100k+ players, when you first glance at the site, that sure looks good for investors.

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Is there at least one significant difference between the “Hot Right Now” and “Most Popular” sections, apart from the sorting algorithm? Undoubtedly, their algorithms differ, but the core principle remains the same—both sections display popular games. Essentially, “Hot Right Now” duplicates the content of “Most Popular,” adding yet another redundant section that only clutters the already overloaded “Charts” tab with numerous categories.


Actual answer: I have no horse in this race but the sheer lack of actionable feedback and rancor from people rubs me the wrong way and it makes me want to side with Roblox. Responses like “why is Roblox always making the worst updates” and targeted harassment towards the person who posted this are not amazing looks. You may not agree with things but the people involved are still people.

This may seem like a downgrade but I am generally willing to hear Roblox out. If it’s consistently the same games as always, we can riot. But right now it’s been such little time that nobody has any real idea what the long term trend will be.


They are different vro:
Screenshot 2025-03-06 180144
Screenshot 2025-03-06 180152

Pointless, what a joke. As if we couldn’t find the most popular games already… What about the 5 chart lists that were removed with the genre update? DON’T WANT TO RESTORE THOSE? Just more of the top 10 games great…

At this point roblox posts this just to torment and mock us. Lol…

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Wow good idea. Sorry but here at we don’t take your ideas and were going to make Todays Picks 3.0 and most popular 3rrd charts list(most likely)

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Up and coming is about the only non corrupt category don’t give staff ideas to destroy it. Games on their are still filtered out and recycle almost every 2 weeks. It keeps it fresh unlike this new category which will NEVERE EVER change.

I love how roblox staff posts these idiotic posts and gets 200+ comments of smaller developers begging them not to go through or make changes and does nothing. Every dev super happy lol.

Maybe if they use Todays Picks not to be 10k+ CCU games and movie companies this will be a positive change(they won’t)

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Most popular and hot right now in my opinion aren’t duplicated sections because hot right now is literally something becoming people at a certain time. Most popular is something that is extremely popular in the community of Roblox. But I am so disappointed to see the same experiences that are in hot right now be in most popular because it kinda doesn’t make sense.

What are you talking about? I think you misread my post, all I said was that “All the ‘up and coming’ games should be under 1k CCU’s” so how does that destroy the category lol. The category still lists most of the same games from the other top charts, no matter how often it changes. So if anything, my idea opens the category up to more small developers.

Even more visibility for the top 0.1% of games, just what this platform needed.

“This means increased visibility for your experiences and valuable data you can use to optimize engagement and retention.”

how? this is only true if your game is already extremely popular. for everyone else, it actually does the complete opposite since there’s another category blocking discovery of smaller games.