Introducing Improved Genres and New Subgenres

They’re User-Generated

agree :100:
might take a while to get tags added, but it’d be better than the massive limitations they’re setting with these genres & subgenres :skull:


I have a game called SuperStar Kingdom that is a platformer but doesn’t fall under any of the mentioned subgenres. I like that you mentioned that since I do not want to leave the subgenre empty

I also find it weird they do not have horror as a genre. That is a really big thing on Roblox and should not be unnoticed

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and “Grand” strategy genre for games like Rise Of Nations

Pretty disappointed in the timeline provided. This isn’t the kind of thing that should take years to develop? Something like Steam’s tag system would’ve been sufficient and wouldn’t require trying to find the perfect subcategory for each genre. Horror missing entirely is laughable considering how many popular Roblox games are in that genre. 2025 to add horror, really?

This is a step in the right direction, but the time it took to release along with the missing features is unfortunate.


Thank you! I was thinking that we wouldn’t be able to edit the genre and Roblox would just pick it for us lol

Ah, Gordon Freeman and About time too…

We should be able to leave game reviews just like we are able to on toolbox models/marketplace.


It’s driving me nuts seeing all of these people asking “where’s the Sci-Fi genre?” or “where’s the Horror genre?” Guys, these are GAMEPLAY GENRES, not thematic Genres (which are genres that describe the theme/setting/vibe/etc of the game.) In a Shooter, you shoot things. In Puzzle games, you complete puzzles. In Racing games, you race…you get the point. Those are Gameplay Genres. You can’t “do a Horror” or “do a Sci-Fi,” those are entirely different aspects of the game. They aren’t at all related to the gameplay itself in most cases, it’s a separate thing.

I will say that I think it’d be cool if Roblox expanded this even further and added options for gameplay genre tags AND thematic genre tags (instead of just calling them “Genres” and “Subgenres,” they could be “Gameplay Genre” and “Subgenre” with a new added tag called “Theme” or “Vibe” or “Style” or something like that?) for people who want to search for games based on the themes/setting/etc rather than the gameplay.

This would probably be most helpful to people who don’t really care about what the actual gameplay is like as long as the game fits a certain theme (i.e. Sci-Fi, Western, Apocalyptic, Steampunk, etc.), but to be fair I think the number of people who prefer to search for games that way is much smaller than the number of people who search based on gameplay style.

:point_right: Regardless of if they add a third tag or not, I do think Roblox should rename “Genre” to “Gameplay Genre” just to avoid confusion like this in the future. :point_left:


Because all of these are Gameplay Genres. “Horror” doesn’t necessarily describe the gameplay itself, you could have a horror FPS game right next to a horror puzzle game and they’d get grouped right next to each other. And that might make sense to some people, but I think a lot of people would also be upset by that. It’s a tricky problem to solve without adding another tag or something like that


this seems like a nice update while it isn’t neccessarily anything huge it is a nice quality of life

Can Voice Chat be a genre, for example games that require Voice Chat to play, examples being Voice Control 🔊 - Roblox or 2 Player Voice Obby 🔊 - Roblox?

That, or please add an option to require Voice Chat to join Experiences. My game ( 2 Player Voice Obby :loud_sound:) has really bad analytics because people who don’t have Voice Chat join then leave immediately despite the many clear signs it requires Voice Chat, causing my average playtime to be very, very bad.


Obby & Platformer: Classic Obby, Runner, Tower Obby

Could “2 Player Obby / Multiplayer Obby” be added as a subgenre to this list?


I’m pretty happy with these genres. I feel like this is only half of the bigger picture though. I think this will feel a lot better and make a lot more sense once Roblox has the surfacing of themes and secondary genres figured out.

It’s important to realize that Roblox is defining genre as specifically what the gameplay is like, not how the gameplay is flavored. Sci-fi, horror, fantasy, etc. are all themes, not genres.

We are missing a creative genre however, to encompass things like building, drawing, and other UGC creation games.

I would really like to see some way to highlight secondary genres. My game blends a lot of these together and calling it a roleplay + creature sim loses a lot of the nuance and primary draw for players because the actual gameplay pull is building and physics sim.


I guess creative could be social: content sharing, or utility & other, or party & Casual: Colouring & drawing.

I’m pretty happy though that I can now easily place Guardians: Battle Arena - Roblox into “Action: Battlegrounds & Fighting”.

difficulty chart obbies are just obbies that get more and more difficult. It shouldnt matter how big the jump is from one difficulty to another to justify another genre


I think that something like “restaurant roleplay” or “real-world roleplay” should be added to this as a sub-genre. There are countless roleplay-focused experiences under search terms like “restaurant” and “cafe” which do not fit into any of the given sub-genres.

How will this affect the algorithm/recommendation systems?

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I just wanted to add that Geopolitical Strategy is a very popular sub genre that isn’t here. Games such as Rise of Nations and Risk Univeralis are popular geopolitical strategies.

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i’m surprised nobody’s asked this yet; what happens to games of a genre that’s been modified? are they changed to a replacement or something

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This is nice.

Take a shot every time I say genre.

I’d love a feature where we have a genre page that shows how many players are playing all experiences of that genre, how many visits experiences in the genre have total, and the average rating of experiences of that genre. Of course this would be accompanied by the list of top experiences of that genre. Since all the genre data will be lying around in Roblox servers already, I assume the idea is feasible. Genre.

one genre? why? whats the point.

what if someone has a game thats a combination of a turn based rpg and a survival game? what genre does that get sorted into? just one of those genres wouldnt fully be accurate to the game.