Introducing: Knife Capsules!

Tonight Abstract Shark (@Sharksie and myself) have released our latest game, Knife Capsules!

Inspired by all of the great murder & assassin style games over the years, we decided to take our shot at making one of, if not the most enjoyable entries in the genre. We launched tonight so please check it out and let us know what you think! All feedback is appreciated :slight_smile:


Found a bug;
I didn’t get TPed and my character appearance was removed. After a minute or so I was TPed back in, though.


Very cool game - although I find the combat a bit unwieldy.


I love the game fams :smiley:


So ANOTHER murder/ffa knife game? Aren’t there WAY too many of these now? Why are you trying to compete with games that have literally perfected the genre over several years?

Edit: I gotta hand it to you guys though, UIs are awesome.


Really cool game, only I seem to be losing connection a lot; not sure if it’s my internet or the game that refuse to comply, but I can still access web pages after I disconnect from in-game.

and now I have an ID 17

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Because I don’t think they’re anywhere near perfect and our studio has successfully competed with other large audiences before.


Not trying to be rude or anything but the genre is so overused it’s not going to last very long. You’re pretty much just beating a dead horse at this point.

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Not really, tbh - the genre itself might be saturated with pretty terrible games, but it has potential - there is a reason the GMod version is still popular.


This game is good the UI, the knifes and the maps but it’s just another murder/ FFA knife game there is nothing innovative. I wish you success

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I really like the way the game looks, but it needs a twist. The animations and scripting and building—all great! But what’s missing—perhaps the hardest thing to do—are unique ideas. :slight_smile:

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It’s not even near the front page, the max amount of players he’ll hold is probably close to 1K or less, maybe hitting the 2K mark. After about a month it’ll die down to the hundreds unless he can somehow magically beat every other knife game on Roblox I don’t see it going very far.
I’m not trying to be rude just being realistic.

If you want to grow your audience you need to find something they’ve never seen before that’ll hook them to your game, re using ideas without adding anything new to it that adds to gameplay just makes the game look like everyone else’s.
Try finding something that you can add to gameplay that’ll intrigue you audience instead of reusing the same mechanics and ideas.

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I kind of agree with other people here - while this isn’t exactly the same as other murder games, it’s at least like Framed.
I played a few rounds and it’s very well made. I don’t really feel like this will get too popular though unless you heavily advertise it, because it’s the same kind of gameplay and there’s already a lot of somewhat similar games which are more popular. It’s going to be very difficult to get them to switch over from a different popular murder/knife game to yours.


Almost every successful game ever made has been a reiteration upon an already-established genre. A lot of players think that this is a significant improvement upon the old formula, not just in the way it presents itself but also in the way it plays.

Having knives doesn’t make it the same as every other murder game, and having a targeting system doesn’t make it the same as Assassin. It introduces several new mechanics and ideas that aren’t present in similar games, and it will only get more refined and unique over time.

Releasing a game requires strategy. Releasing your game while it’s on the more generic side is a good strategy because it leaves a lot of options open. For example, Wild Revolvers kill effects have crazy physical appearances that are confusing for players. It’s a new and unique idea, but the game would be better without it, but they can’t remove it because they’ve sold products that do these things. Releasing with generic effects, for example, allows us to slowly ease into more unique features, and gather feedback and iterate before committing them to our game.

Knife Capsules right now is by no means a finished product. Like a baby, it looks similar to a lot of other babies, but as it grows and evolves it will find its niche. Robloxian High School started out the same way, using the same strategy, and right now it’s on the front page of Top Earning with 11,000 players.


Well time will tell in this case. I give it two months. A good example is Jailbreak on how they upgraded the Prison life game in their own design.

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The game is awesome, the only thing I wish it had is music. It seems pretty boring with it, and when I’m not tabbed on the client, I can barely tell if a round has started.

I know that this will probably be added soon, but let’s get some more game modes in here too!


It’s already hitting 1500 at launch. What are you talking about?

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I’m pretty sure when Alex asked for Feedback, he didn’t mean your opinions on the Murder genre.

I think it’s silly that everyone is complaining about the over-saturation of the Murder theme. Why wouldn’t you try to outdo one of the most popular game categories on ROBLOX? It’s a guaranteed audience to any developer that can top the previous. I personally really enjoy when developers take a classic/older genre and bring new life to it - big or small!

Please add a claw machine that I can fish Knife Capsules out of!!! The bigger it is the MORE I WILL PAY2PLAY ITS GREATNESS


I gave him feedback. It’s not an opinion it’s a simple fact that it’s overused and is lackluster of anything original other than opening a case to get a new skin. It’s a glorified Murder Mystery CS:GO edition.

I am but this isn’t about me.

So money is all that matters to developers now? I thought making quality content was what developers seek above all things.(No I’m not saying all Alex is looking for is a quick buck this is just a reply to your question as a whole.)


It has yet to beat it’s release count.

I’m not calling Alex out on making something he wants to make, but he asked for feedback so I’m going to be honest and tell him that games that are re done over and over and over again won’t break any records for games he’s made in the past that have topped the charts.
The game doesn’t lack design and mechanics, it’s the idea and how he just slapped a gimmick onto it and said “Hey this is new everyone!!!”
JailBreak again is an example of how to push further, add more to it don’t just slap a new name onto something with the same exact mechanics and think a gimmick can do you any good.

I think you could add assassination animations and better maneuvering for the players. Possibly add some different perks they can either earn or buy like cloaking or even boots that give them a burst of speed from one point to another.

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I actually thoroughly enjoy this game.


yes, this is a lot of people’s livelihoods now. “quality content” is a subjective term and what may seem quality to me wouldn’t be something that necessarily makes any money to warrant working on it at all.