Introducing: Knife Capsules!

Played it a little the other day when you guys were doing some testing. Looks great, I personally find it to be a refreshing take on the genre. Keep up the awesome work! :slightly_smiling_face:





Pretty fun, ignore the people nagging about it being an over-satured genre.

UIs are on point too. Just make some of the menus close automatically like the after round one. Also give players a way to disable trade requests.


(Maybe hitting the 2K mark)

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Do you know 2K players is really good. And when your game hit 2K players your in front page.

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Really enjoy the game, so far havent found anything game breaking or bug related, awesome job!

What I would suggest is, and this doesnā€™t apply to everyone, but until my new monitor arrives next week, Iā€™m stuck with a square 1024x768 monitor, and some of the GUIs overlap.

I was also trying to report it in feedback, but when the ā€˜Winnerā€™ menu came up, and I clicked out of it and went back to type in the feedback menu, the text cleared. I wrote 3 paragraphs or so, so it was quite annoying having it disappear on me.

Apart from those two things, I love the game!


Uh, I went to play it again and all my knives were gone.

I also went to buy a new capsule thingy, and it took my money and gave me no capsule to unbox.

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Some dude was running around with a bunch of speed and going through walls. Aside from haxers, the game is pretty cool.

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No errors? Is your stuff there if you rejoin?

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Also, some small bugs

When you play in a 1 player server, for example, a vip server, it doesnā€™t really play well. If you die, the round continues. Maybe barring 1 player servers until thereā€™s 2 or more players would work?

Also, in the Egyptian map, thereā€™s water outside where you can swim in, even though itā€™s shallow. Can be quite annoying trying to walk around in it without swimming.

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Thatā€™s intentional, it lets people wander around the map. In general we arenā€™t really concerned with the single-player experience. The game at its core kind of requires 2 players.

Roblox bug makes it impossible to disable swimming :frowning:

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Yeah, I understand about the 1 player part, but doesnā€™t roblox disable swimming if the water is too shallow? Bringing the water level down a tiny bit might fix it

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Hi everyone, please keep your feedback constructive and pertinent to this game in particular. Not its genre, not other games in the same niche. AbstractAlex and Sharksie are looking for feedback on Knife Capsules in particular, not asking how it compares to other popular games or how much traction you estimate it will gain.


I donā€™t think much can be done about the running through walls even with FilteringEnabled onā€”they delete the things they want to go through and walk through them while no one else can because itā€™s local.

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I know. I think the main issue (for me at least) was the speed. It was easier to deal with someone going through walls than it was someone who I couldnā€™t catch.

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Yeah, they could probably do something about that. Itā€™s a cat-and-mouse thing, hackersā€”fix one thing, they make another. :frowning:

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No errors. My backpack is blank and itā€™s telling me to ā€œBuy some itemsā€.

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You tried joining again? When I load your file you have 2 knives and 7 capsules.

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All good now. Must have been a visual bug.

Players in-game have been complaining of buying capsules and not getting to open them (like me previously).


Yeah I know, Iā€™m sure itā€™s a visual bug since people have reported rejoining to fix it. I think I have a fix but it wonā€™t come out until this weekā€™s update.

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