Introducing OpenTypeFeatures

Second this.

Also, doing Shift + Enter should create a newline, and unicode characters should render correctly when entered in manually via the Text property. We shouldn’t need to use a script for this.


fyi, you can write enters and special characters into smth like notepad or any textwindow, copy and paste them into the text property and they will appear without need for scripts


This is definitely a cool extension to the otf format, given its just been sitting there, i wonder why other headers haven’t been supported yet, but zero and ss03 alone is cool!

ok now…

custom fonts


I’m gonna have to do more research on this since I don’t understand anything at all. Two fonts in one? Also, as said above, implement custom fonts. Not combined ones.


interesting feature, waiting on documentation :slight_smile:


This is a really nice qol thing for now instead of boring plain 0’s we can now put a strike through them, allowing for more variety and possible one step closer to something like being able to upload our own fonts (though that idea may be a little silly I guess)


you dont need a script for this I believe you can already do \n to make new lines, however I can see the need for shift + enter as it makes things a lot neater


custom fonts can already be achieved by image abuse, there’s a hacky way for this typa thing (however I can understand the need for this to be a base roblox thing), if you’re interested, heres what im talking about!


Using spritesheets have a few technical issues that aren’t immediately obvious.

The most notable is that both ttf and otf have lots of data dedicated to rendering text at small sizes, because png isn’t a vector format unlike most font formats, it starts to look really blurry the smaller it gets.

How do you handle UTF-8, thats a lot of characters you’d have to account for, even if you just do the first 127 bytes of ASCII, that’s still a lot of regional characters that are missing.

As well as that, Roblox is pretty trigger happy with spritesheets if you’re not careful.


This is great, will absolutely help with UI designing.


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let us be able to make a monospaced font, i’ve had to implement my own monospaced text label since a timer didn’t really look good but i’m worried that it’ll have performance implications since it’s really a bunch of textlabels stuck together


Does OpenTypeFeature support trailing commas?
I’m not very familiar with OpenType, but I’d like to use trailing commas if possible.


Make a custom fonts feature by uploading any tff, otf and more font formats


Yeah, I agree with you. Only Premium 1000 or 2200 can allow fonts on Creator Store. Maybe add FigTree or Helvetica anytime soon.


I found a OpenType feature that turns Builder Sans’s g’s look like this:
How it supposed to look like:
Code: ss02

Apologies if this is late, but I wonder if there is or will be a way to disable OpenType features for certain fonts that have them enabled by default, like ligatures and whatnot?

Hi @Bry10022 , the short answer is yes and no. The openType features prop is currently per GuiText object, rather than per Font. So you can disable ligatures(which we whitelisted recently, along with calt short for “Contextual Alternates”) for certain GuiText objects by setting the OpenTypeFeatures to liga 0 or liga off if the feature is supported by the font.

Hi @Berge99075 , ss02 is not yet supported to be enabled or disabled the opentype features property yet. The only features we support for modification are ss03 zero liga calt.

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roblox adding slashed 0 thinking it would change the world fr

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